Leave Chun-Li Alone

A woman can be both beautiful and strong, so why can’t a gaming icon?

Jade M.
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2021


I remember the first time played Street Fighter II at the arcade. I briefly glanced over the pictures of fighters, excited to see that there was a woman available to select. I loved being able to fight as someone I could relate to, and I always picked Chun-Li.

Chun-Li wasn’t weak; she was equal to the men she fought against. She had special moves designed for her, including her powerful kick. I felt she could do anything the men in the game could do, and I was right. She has become one of the most iconic characters in the game, compared to her male counterparts, being featured and referenced in other media.

As I grew older, I realized others saw things in her I didn’t.

They used her femininity to claim that she was being sexualized because of her body type, but I never shared that view. Her body is always covered, but her athletic build was becoming an issue.

It is ridiculous to take such an iconic and powerful character and focus only on the fact that she’s drawn as an attractive woman. Those who ridiculed her appearance made it clear they never bothered to read her backstory. Chun-Li was a police officer who wished to avenge her father’s death. Her athletic build makes sense given her career.



Jade M.

Jade is a Louisiana based author who loves video games and usually writes about experiences she has. https://linktr.ee/jmcculloch120