Legally Speaking: A Conversation with Richard Hoeg, the Gaming Internet’s Favorite Attorney

Fun with learning, legal edition!

Bryan Finck
Published in
11 min readSep 2, 2020


The first time I’d ever heard of Richard (Rick) Hoeg was earlier this month when he was a guest on Colin Moriarty’s Sacred Symbols+ Podcast. It turns out he has become somewhat of the go-to attorney for many in the video game industry and has turned his knowledge into a successful and entertaining YouTube channel, with a show called Virtual Legality.

Rick has a knack for making complex subjects understandable, and it is clear through his success that people care about all aspects of their favorite games beyond just playing them. I knew I wanted to follow up on other subjects with Rick so I reached out and he graciously agreed to interview with us. So read on and enjoy!

There is no legal advice in this article, all statements are Rick’s opinions and observations. Anyone needing legal advice should consult with their attorney.

Good Afternoon Rick, thank you for joining us today. I wanted to start by saying congratulations on the success of your YouTube channel. You started making videos back in 2018, and that has now evolved into your current main show Virtual Legality. You’ve done almost 300 shows now, are you surprised that the show and your channel



Bryan Finck

A thought isn’t an idea until you write it down and share it with the world. So I write thoughts about video games, and a few other things. Twitter: @htb390