Me, Myself, or Nah: How Should I Build the MyPlayer in NBA 2K?

And what does the avatar say about me?

Shawn Laib
Published in
6 min readSep 22, 2020


Like many young basketball fans, I grew up wanting to be in the NBA. I drew inspiration from many of the superstars of the era I grew up in, from Kobe Bryant and Steve Nash to Ray Allen and Rashard Lewis. I never wanted to actually BE them though; I wanted to be my own person and my own player. I wanted to be better than them, have my own style, and create my own legacy.

This is a dream that I realized was becoming a fantasy the older I got, as I grew to be only 5’9’’ with no conceivable athletic traits to speak of. But like the majority of sports fans, that feeling of wanting to feel as close to the game as possible, even when you can’t actively participate in it, never completely goes away. Your mind wanders for creative outlets to fulfill that dream you had in any number of ways that may feel possible. Now that I’m fully an adult, writing about basketball and playing pickup ball with others at a gym (pre-COVID, of course) has become my go-to when I want to immerse myself in of my favorite things in the world. But when I was a teenager, the alternative to being an actual NBA superstar was to be a virtual NBA superstar.



Shawn Laib

University of Washington Class of 2020 in English Literature and fan of video games and basketball. Twitter: @LaibShawn