Moving to Vita Island in 2020

The PlayStation Vita is still a remarkable console even for first-timers

Bruce Ironhardt
Published in
7 min readAug 22, 2020


The original PSP was probably my favorite handheld console of all time. Back when everyone was rocking the original Nintendo DS, I was the cool kid listening to Eminem and playing games like Twisted Metal on my way to elementary school.

Fast forward to 2011 and Sony announces a new handheld console. This thing finally had dual analog sticks and rumored PlayStation 3 levels of graphical fidelity. I remember watching Sony’s launch event on YouTube and seeing Uncharted on a handheld. I was pumped. This was the console I desperately wanted. Sadly for me, I was a broke as hell.

Source: Polygon.

Fast forward again almost a decade and I was in the market for something that could play retro games. I was getting back into Pokemon Fire Red and mobile emulation just wasn’t cutting it. I wanted physical buttons. I was scrolling through Facebook Marketplace and I saw the perfect device: the PlayStation Vita, which was on sale for 80 bucks. I thought what the hell, might as well grab it. Even if it did suck, it would still add to my collection.

