My 5 Most Played Games of 2020

A mixture of experiences that held my interest during a difficult year

Christian Behler
Published in
6 min readDec 29, 2020


As 2020 is (finally…) getting closer to its conclusion, I wanted to have a look back at my most played games during the year. As bad as the year has been for almost everything, gaming has been a nice exception. When everybody was stuck at home, our gaming TeamSpeak server became a little bit of a social hub and we played many great multiplayer games together.

But without further ado, here are my most played games of 2020:

1. Minecraft

Image by Christian Behler.

My number one most played game this year was Minecraft. Not a big surprise. I’m pretty sure Minecraft would have ranked #1 almost every year since I started playing it back in 2010.

Minecraft is just the perfect evergreen game for me. There are so many different aspects to it. From creating complicated technical Redstone contraptions to designing intricate buildings and landscapes, there is always something to do.

Minecraft is also a great tool against stress. It’s very relaxing to turn off your brain and dig a big hole in the game. A great…



Christian Behler

M. Sc. Computer Science and Physics, Indie Game/Software/Web Developer, Writer, 3D Artist, and too many other interests.