Pirates of the Caribbean Invade Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves just received a new season and I can’t stop playing

Nathalia Sampaio
Published in
7 min readJul 4, 2021


The year is 2018 and Sea of Thieves has just launched. As a newbie with the Game Pass catalog from Xbox, I got curious about this new Battle Royale pirate game some of my friends were talking about.

Even today Sea of Thieves is not that popular, although it has been released for crossplay in recent years. In 2018, the game was a water desert, and I rarely saw a living soul to battle with. However, I’m not complaining, since I sailed the seas from 2018 to 2019, completely alone in a Sloop.

Old times sailing with my humble Sloop | Source: Digital Trends.

In one year, the game hasn’t launched any good updates. Additionally, it was becoming more and more stressful for a humble Gold Hoarder to seek her treasures without being bothered by skulls or pirate ghost ships. Then there were the Galleons that took advantage of my vulnerability.

That’s how I ended my brief relationship with the game. At the time there weren’t any friends who could play with me, especially since crossplay hadn’t been released. But then, everything changed this year.

Brave New World

Two weeks ago, The Pirates of The Caribbean patch was launched. At first, I hesitated to download the game again on Xbox but ended up giving in to curiosity. I can now say it was the best decision of my life.

At first, I was shocked by all the changes that have taken place in Sea of Thieves since I last played; it even looks like a new game! Then, much to my lone wolf misfortune, numerous new NPCs were released. Currently, in addition to the skulls, which we already know well, were released what they call the Ocean Crawlers: crab-like creatures and lightning monsters that can instantly kill you. Honestly, guys, I just wanted to hunt my treasures chests peacefully!

The new Ocean Crawlers look lit! | Source: Gamepur.

But little did I know that my lone wolf days were numbered. Now I have a full crew of 4 people (just happy!) and I suffer less intensely. But let’s not just talk about me, what I want to tell you is how Sea of Thieves went from an extremely repetitive, open-world PVP game to a complex adventure for all tastes.

Here’s what you need to know about this major update.

The Tall Tales

The Tall Tales are part of the Pirates of The Caribbean event and follow a more storyline-driven mission. Now we can discover more about the background of many characters we encounter during the game and they’re segmented into more than 10 categories. Indeed it’s a vast storytelling catalog.

This update came at a good time, as we were in need of more content besides killing NPCs and pirates or collecting treasure. As usual, we have to vote for a Tall Tale to begin at the captain’s table, and now there’s an exclusive server for you to complete them. It’s perfect for someone who just wants to chill and enjoy a nice cup of rum in a tavern with Captain Jack Sparrow.

However, to enter the core story, you must pass through a portal that resides next to every Outpost. In fact, the entire map went through a giant redesign, making it more dangerous than ever. The first mission we receive is given by the Castaway. It’s the first time we encounter an NPC related to Davy Jones’ crew (the guy with octopus beard, remember?).

The Exiled, with the portal at background | Source: Author.

Oh, and I’m warning you: beware your treasures because you lose every one of them as soon as you enter the giant ghostly crack. If you’re a veteran Sea of Thieves player, probably know how painful it is to lose our precious treasures that were collected with blood and sweat. Whether to the Megalodon, ghost pirates ships, or even worse, to other PVP players that probably don’t have anything better to do than hunting the poor hard-working souls. So make sure to sell every piece of jewels and treasure before entering the Tall Tales area.

Also, the Tall Tales are very intuitive. So basically you follow the linear path of a regular adventure game and enroll with the story, finding ghosts and other important characters. I’ve said there are countless Tall Tales, but don’t worry: you encounter Jack Sparrow and his crew in the very first one. The mission even provides side quests that can be solved while you’re pursuing the main goal of your current Tall Tale. It’s basically two games into one now.

The Seasons

I figured the new monsters were related to Pirates of The Caribbean. Indeed, the Ocean Crawlers and Phantoms we battle each island are deeply related to the movie’s lore, and they also appear in the Tall Tales. The Crawlers are even composed of that slimy moss element that is impregnated in the crew of Davy Jones, with which we are already so familiar and which is one of the hallmarks of the movies’ villains.

Also, following the Pirates of The Caribbean aesthetics, the whole map has been redesigned. Now you’re surprised by various ghostly elements, whether when making Tall Tales or entering the islands around the map. Many areas are presented with the eerie green light we’re so familiar with when joining an Athena’s Fortune mission.

The main easter eggs can’t be found in the PVP area, though. You’ll have to enter the portal to find Captain Sparrow and his crew. This is the Third Season of the game, but this system was only introduced this year.

Source: The Verge.

The previous 2 seasons, the first released in January this year and the second in April, presented us with several other new configurations. As I returned to the game recently, I was not previously aware of these seasons. So, let me introduce a brief walkthrough for you.

The First Season presented us the Renown system, which looks like a battle-pass we’re so familiar in other games. Players must finish certain tasks and gain points, which earns you rewards. This was a surprise for all those who, like me, basically only bought products from outpost stores. Also, the pass rewards are great: you can accumulate gold in the blink of an eye, as well as save money by getting rewards like hairstyles and clothes.

The Second Season introduced some hardcore missions, such as the Fort of Fortune. To find it is very easy: there will be a flaming skull in the sky and you just have to drive your boat to it. Those already familiar with the game will relate this event with the Skeleton Forts, where we battle waves and waves of skeletons for valuable rewards. Nevertheless, it contains 18 waves of assault, with its maximum boss being the Ashen Lord.

Honestly, I’ve never completed a Fort of Fortune, especially because I lack courage (and skills, too). I mean, I’ve just returned, can’t be so harsh on myself, right?

The Fort of Fortune | Source: Xbox & Play

The best part about the Season System is that everything changes intensely and very quickly. Jon Neate, the executive producer of the game even said that they don’t discard the possibility for future collaborations with works such as The Secret of Monkey Island or One Piece. I admit: as a huge One Piece fan, I got excited about this latter one.

Mostly, you just can’t stop playing! Honestly, It had been months since I was so addicted to a game. There’s so much to do in so little time, with no fast travel and super-exciting and diverse missions that you just lose track of the time. Trust me you’ll never get bored!

Hope for Lone Rangers

My final thought about this patch update is about the gameplay itself. As a person who experienced the frustrations of being completely alone, such updates may seem a challenge. More bosses, more PVP content, hardcore missions with hundreds of skeletons… the challenges are countless.

The Third Season came as a sparkle of hope for the poor souls that can’t have a crew all the time. We can be entertained pursuing the Tall Tales adventures for hours and encounter the famous pirate personalities at the Pirate’s Life Tale.

I’m excited to finish my Tales since I’ve just started. I can’t wait to encounter the Isle of Tortuga or the Flying Dutchman along with the many other easter eggs presented in the story. Whether you’re a lone ranger or not, now you can enjoy your voyage through the seas calmly.

Source | Twitter.

Before you go…

This June 28th was international LGBTQ+ pride day and Sea of Thieves made the sweetest homage ever. Everyone now can celebrate their pride with a pirate flag. It’s another reason why I love this game so much and why you should embrace it and play immediately.



Nathalia Sampaio

Hi! I’m Nathalia, but you can call me Thalia. I’m a Marketing and Advertising student based in Brazil who loves chatting about video games and books. [she/her]