Skul The Hero Slayer: The Game of Many Skulls

An in-depth look at my recent experience playing this addictive indie game

Phillip Caron
Published in
5 min readFeb 20, 2021


Are the basic skulls even worth it? I questioned this very mechanic my first hour of gameplay, but first, a little backstory.

I took a break this weekend from big-name games and played something completely new, Skul: The Hero Slayer. SouthPAW Games developed the game and it officially released on January 21, 2021.

My son walked in as I loaded the game for the first time. He is four, and I’ve held out on him playing video games for now. I want a bit more time to cultivate his creativity before he sets foot into the beautiful world of gaming.

He was immediately drawn to this game. Maybe it was the color scheme or the gentle music of your home base that drew him in. Whatever the cause, he wanted to play.

Skul: The Hero Slayer. Source: YouTube.

I pondered for a split second and decided this would be an excellent first opportunity. I never expected this to be the game he played as his first experience, but raising children brings many unexpected twists and turns.



Phillip Caron

Short stories are to explore my demons. Reflections are to explore my feelings, and philosophies are for my son just in case.