The Joy of Short Games

Experiences that are fleeting but meaningful

Bryan Finck
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2020


Does a game need to be long to be good? The answer is different for everyone, with many factors at play. Some need an open world with question marks everywhere on the map. Some are fine with the equivalent of a long movie. For some, it depends on what you actually do in those hours, whether it be constant button-pushing or interactive novel choice-making.

I find great joy in small stories, short games that make a point and let you get on to the next thing. Many people believe these are not games in the same way a massive adventure like The Witcher 3 is a game. While inherently the value proposition for a 100-hour game is better, I would argue there is value of a different kind in short, meaningful experiences. So let’s discuss, and feel free to get into the responses to tell us about your favorite short games!

Journey. Source: PlayStation.

The game that comes immediately to mind is Journey. People talked about it being an incredible experience, though it was years before I finally took the plunge. It truly is a wonderful example of what gaming can be in short form. It will take you no more than about 3 hours, and a minimalist control scheme…



Bryan Finck

A thought isn’t an idea until you write it down and share it with the world. So I write thoughts about video games, and a few other things. Twitter: @htb390