Games in the Resident Evil Series Should be Played Like a Fine Wine

At its core, Resident Evil is about the development of tension, not the manufacturing of it

Ben Shelley
Published in
7 min readFeb 28, 2021


Resident Evil is 25 this year. Throughout its time, many great games have emerged, as well as many flops, yet it endures. When it stays true to that tried and tested formula, it wins. When it speeds up the process, it ends up in the bargain bin.

RE Logo. Source: Pinterest.


Fear is something that grows in you. Sure you can hotwire this and create the odd jump scare, but if it is always there, then does it cease to be scary?

Being constantly chased around Racoon City Police station or the city itself is annoying. At first, it is something to smile about, as it’s different, but after a while, you yearn for the chance to explore.

The original evil did not highlight areas that had outstanding items to collect. It did not chase you around with a trenchcoat or a rocket launcher. The original evil was calm and collected. The best evil in life is enjoyed like a fine wine. It is not drunk as quickly as possible, it is savoured, regardless of…



Ben Shelley

Someone who has no idea about where their place is in this world, yet enjoys writing about books, education, entertainment and videogames