Valheim Lets You Be Any Kind of Viking You Want

Specializing your role in your Valheim world is rewarding for your entire clan

Drew Cordell
Published in
8 min readFeb 28, 2021


The true joy in Valheim, especially when playing with friends, is the ability to specialize in certain tasks and activities. Within my friend group, I often take the role of our dedicated ‘tank’ warrior in combat, our smelter, and our sailor. Serving as our sailor is my favorite role within my playgroup of seven. Specializing in a few areas of the game is as rewarding as it is fun.

Image Source: Iron Gate Studio.

Despite specialization and a day-to-day focus on certain tasks, my friends and I will come together and created focused operations designed to propel our playgroup forward and meet the growing needs and operational overhead required to sustain our Viking-based hopes and dreams.

Valheim lets you be any kind of Viking you want. Specializing in certain tasks makes you the go-to expert for your group and drives a greater sense of purpose and community.

Do we need to gear up everyone and upgrade existing equipment? Probably time for a group mining expedition. Are the fermenters empty and is our mead chest low on…



Drew Cordell

Published science fiction author, life-long gamer, young IT professional. Check out my books at