Video Games Are Changing Live Music in the Midst of COVID-19

Concerts and festivals may never be the same

Joshua Gad


With the advent of COVID-19, many events are being canceled as people are encouraged to stay inside. This of course is bad news to everyone, but to music festival and concert goers it’s even worse. Many big events such as Coachella, SXSW, and Live Nation have been delayed or canceled. Worse yet, small local venues are all closed. But some events have decided to make the switch to the virtual environment.

As well, live streaming services and social media have become more and more useful for artists and fans enduring the quarantine. Plenty of artists and DJs have already taken to their platform of choice, whether that be Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or Twitch to perform probably their first ever virtual concert. This has led many artists to consider not only virtual concerts but also virtual and augmented reality fuelled venues.

Companies like WaveVR and NextVR have already built solutions for virtual concerts and entertainment, but they haven’t seen…



Joshua Gad

Game Designer with a Bachelor of Science. I talk about techno life and design ethics while I make games.