What If You Could Explore Their Memories

Promesa invites us to experience another’s memories in a digital world

Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2020


“You see, I’ve reached an age where I’m trying to make all that I know not slip away”

A dialog between a grandfather and his grandchild. Rather, a monologue, since grandchild is you. This is an immensely important fact. Life is moving along, the time is flowing, the fates are emerging and disappearing in the darkness.

Julián Palacios Gechtman, a visual artist and member of Milan-based multimedia art group Eremo, tells a very personal story in his video game (perhaps it could more accurately be described as a transmedia experience).

Screenshot from Promesa.

You enter dreamlike dioramas and explore the world of memories. Memories from an old man. Memories which are about to vanish — with time, and then with life. These memories are the illuminated places enveloped in endless fog; the space that is not accessible or relevant. It’s the forgotten.

You are ghostlike. No reflection in mirrors, moving through objects, floating from scene-to-scene across a long life.




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.