What is “The Nintendo Difference”?

The Japanese giant has discovered a key for success, and it has nothing to do with 4K or ray-tracing

Alex Anyfantis
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2021


It’s no secret that in today’s gaming landscape, many gamers are more interested in what they see on their screen, rather than what they’re actually playing. And so, in an attempt to keep up with the wants and needs of the players, console developers are constantly pushing the boundaries of modern tech to their absolute limit, to the point where the line between graphics and reality has become completely blurred.

All developers but one, that is. Japanese company Nintendo appears to have no interest in achieving such a result with their latest console, the Nintendo Switch, and instead put all their focus on creating new innovations that will not only maintain the interest of their own audience but also attract a wider range of players.

Temporary downfall

It’s no secret that after the launch of the Nintendo 64 back in the late ‘90s-early ‘00s, Nintendo fell out of grace with many gamers around the world, especially after the entrance of Sony into the industry with the admittedly impressive PlayStation. Their insistence on using cartridges, rather than the more advanced medium of CD-ROMs with its greater storage capacity (used in…



Alex Anyfantis

Media graduate, professional journalist and self-proclaimed Final Fantasy fanboy. Interests (and die-hard passions) include gaming and sports (mainly football).