What League of Legends Can Teach You About Human Behaviour

What goes through “Xx_ROUGE69_xX”’s mind when they call you stupid?

Tameem Rahman
Published in
5 min readNov 15, 2020


Did you know that 100 million people watched the League of Legends world finals compared to the 98.2 at the Superbowl? Search for “lol” on Google and what you won’t find is “laugh out loud”. No, no, that would be absurd. Instead, you’ll find a digital game of chess, on steroids.

A brief intro for the uninitiated

You drop into a 5v5 match to compete over resources (gold, levels, magic items) that make you stronger for the ultimate goal of destroying the enemy Nexus (headquarters).

Screenshot by Tameem Rahman.

Each player is assigned to different lanes on the map which come with a different set of responsibilities. That’s all you need to know for now.

1. “I’m about to lose it 🙂”

We don’t perform well under stress.

When a player makes a mistake in League of Legends (LoL), it means a loss of resources and a stronger enemy powering their way closer to the nexus. Often though, we don’t like blaming ourselves —…



Tameem Rahman

I run an agency doing search marketing for tech companies & lawyers | I write here for fun