
Voyaging the Boundary Waters — Part 3

Super Mom No More
4 min readSep 1, 2021


Campsite №2 營地二號

@Birch Lake

For the last two nights, we camped at a 4-tent site at Birch Lake. The campsite is much lager than our previous campsite in size and has a lot more woods to shelter us from the rain storm coming our way. Although we were a bit down by the storm, we were rewarded with an amazing misty morning on our last day in the Boundary Waters. It felt whimsical, especially since the sun was just about to rise. I couldn’t help but dip in the water to swim a bit, until a loon swam by to investigate on me. :)


Play and chill


This was a day to chill as the storm was whooping by. Very windy at times.
Eating just felt extra satisfying on the day when it’s windy and chilly. For breakfast, we ditched our usual oat meals and substituted them with scrambled eggs with spicy chipotle tuna. Yum! And not to mention we were so happy we caught a walleye for lunch!
Birch trees are everywhere in this area. And this little birch leaf landing on our canoe gently reminded me that autumn is around the corner.

Sunset this time 日落!

In contrary to the last campsite, we could view sunset here. The water felt calmer after the storm passed by. We sat here for a long long time, skipping stones and chatting, until the sky got dark.


The grand finale 最後一場驚喜

Despite the storm, I somehow still woke up at around the time the sun rose. Anticipating the usual quiet lake in early morning, I was yet stunned by what’s in front of my eyes. The mist! At first it was so thick to see the Canada side of the lake. Then as the sun continued to rise, the lake slowly but surely revealed itself. Nonetheless, the mist was not shy at playing tricks to block the sunshine. The sky was bright for a moment and then got dark the next second. It felt whimsical.


The one and only ripple made by K’s stone skipping.


They didn’t swim far but they were so loud!!
The loon and me moment. That felt special.


