
Voyaging the Boundary Waters — Part 2

Super Mom No More
Sep 1, 2021


Campsite №1 營地一號

@ South Arm Knife Lake

We spent three nights at this campsite for a good reason. The front of the campsite has this giant rock jetting out into the water, giving us an easy access to the water for swimming and fishing, as well as a panoramic view that we never got tired of. We didn’t know until the second morning that it’s actually also a picture-perfect place for viewing sunrise! We were happy here!

The view



First things first, testing out fishing rods.


fishing was surely one of the highlights of this trip. the bottom two pics were trying to capture K swimming over to the other side to meet up with daddy and L, who were fishing at the moment.

Sunrise. Sunset. 日出日落


Day 2 sunrise:

Day 2 sunrise

Day 3 sunrise:

Day 3 sunrise

Day 4 sunrise:

Day 4 sunrise



Our “rooms” 我們的『房間』



next to the main area, there is a short path leading to other “chambers.”
80 feet to our latrine with a gorgeous woody view. :)
Left: Our hammock chamber. Right: Our water filtering station
We sunbathed, stared at the water and sky, read, played games, and did so many other things on this giant rock. It’s a great place to be.

