
Chasing foliage in Northwest Michigan — Part 1, Oct. 2020

Super Mom No More
6 min readOct 21, 2020


Overlooking 130 square miles of foliage in the Manistee River Valley (from the High Rollaway near Buckley)

An October birthday in the Midwest is blessed with vibrant foliage. The color combinations always have a way to delight a visually insatiable me. As the unsettling pandemic has increasingly intensified my calling for the far and the remote, my birthday was a perfect excuse to whip the family out for a 350-mile road trip to Northwest Michigan, an area well known for its natural beauty and fall colors.

With my usual unexplainable impulse, I was fixated on the idea to explore its beauty on a kayak but the kayak plan wasn’t without twists and turns. It’s already the end of the kayaking season and dipping temperatures with rain in the forecast didn’t help with our renting decision. Nonetheless, with some good persistence, we made it after all. During the two full days up there, we were able to immerse ourselves into the colorful palettes by kayaking a section of Big Manistee river, hiking the adjacent Manistee River Trail, and driving various scenic routes winding through inland and beach towns surrounding the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. This little getaway from the merciless pandemic was short and sweet, just enough to rejuvenate and bring sanity back in place.



Highlighted on this Wikipedia map is the Manistee River. The middle right session is where we spent our first day at.

Day 1: Kayaking Big Manistee River (the Hodenpyl Dam-Red Bridge section) and taking a walk on the Manistee River Trail

The goal of the day is to get onto the water no matter how and then hike along the river after kayaking. The forecast wasn’t too bad to begin with: Temp in the 50s and less than 50% chance of rain. Little did we know, on top of the jaw-dropping morning frost, it started to flurry five minutes into our kayaking! That’s definitely not 50 degrees as the forecast said!! Admittedly, we were cold but it took little time for the scenery to sweep away our discomfort. Landscape changed continuously, high from bluffs down to sandy beaches and vise versa. Every turn felt new and deja vu at the same time. A heron led our way a few times, fish flipped out of the water, fog rose uniformly from the water surface in response to a sudden temperature drop, and not to mention when wind started to whistle, colorful leaves were triggered to fall from the sky onto us and the water. Even when nothing seemed in action, tranquility itself was sensational.


Frost oh frost at 8am. Totally unexpected.
At the drop-off. The sun was with us, but only for a very short while.
Time for departure!
The temp suddenly dipped. Even though fog was rising, blue sky was disappearing, the colors remained vivid and gorgeous.
The sun finally came out again!

After parking the kayak and warming up our toes, we set our foot on the Manistee River Trail parallel to the river we just kayaked. This allowed us to see the river from higher up and better admire its surroundings.

划了一早上的船,腳指頭早都凍僵了。把船停好後,簡單吃吃稍作休息,換上登山鞋,轉個心情,沿著河的健行步道去走走。這個步道順著河水彎彎曲曲,時而居高臨下,時而親水,像鄰家女孩般親切。加上太陽出來了,陽光普照下,樹林裡的紅黃橘,顏色鮮明活了起來。這條路,跟對面的North Country Trail隔河遙遙相望,剛好可以兩天一夜慢慢走一圈。壽星雖然還在意猶未盡剛剛的划船賞楓行,但心已悄悄飄到曠野露營去了。

Time for a walk!


Time was too short to finish the trail. We will have to come back some day.
The only boat we encountered when we kayaked was this canoe, staging at one spot fishing when we passed it. Manistee River is actually famous for salmon fishing. There are quite a few hatcheries around here.

On our way back to the campsite, we stopped by an overlook to take a good look at the upstream of the Manistee River. We didn’t know we were actually walking into a panorama of the entire valley. The colors. The view. Even the temperature. Turned out perfect.


A short drive on an unpaved road led us to a small walk up to the overlook.



繼續閱讀。Follow this link to the second day of our trip:

密西根西北角追楓的生日(二)Chasing foliage in Northwest Michigan — Part 2, Oct. 2020


