
Hood to Coast, we did it! 08/2021

Super Mom No More
Sep 4, 2021


Teamwork is definitely the key to success and an ultimate fun!

Running 28 some hours as a team to cover 199 miles of mountains, plains, city streets, forests, and rolling hills definitely made all twelve of us work hard. Thanks to the teamwork element, this is by all means the race I ran the hardest for! The best part of this weekend race is the positivity, energy, and camaraderie that everyone brought to the table. There is just no better way to truly experience the mother of all relay races.

十二個人,由東邊的Hood火山往西跑到太平洋的接力賽,光官方的賽前守則就洋洋灑灑八十八頁。要天衣無縫把賽道跑完,需要很多很多天時地利人和的事前規劃跟運氣。我們第二個大轉接站,就因為大塞車,晚了一小時才接力到。不過也因為大大小小的出包狀況,讓團隊精神更加強大。大家一條心, 不知不覺讓我也搏命演出啦。這大概是我跑過的賽事裡,最認真的一次了!


32 legs of fun!
Every leg has an info sheet like this to help with the run. 這是我跑的第二棒。每一棒,主辦單位都會提供像這樣的細節。上坡是我的強項,這段我超過了七個年輕人。有開心!


終點站是seaside的海灘。早上完賽,下午到南邊赫赫有名的Canon Beach 吹海風,終於可以休息了。

