Board games and Super Simple Draw

Bao Lei
Super Simple Draw
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2019

1 thing I learned during the vacation was that Super Simple Draw can be really useful when playing board/card games with friends and family.

Just a few examples:

Scrabble — Super Simple Draw is the perfect tool for noting down scores for each player.

Clue — With the ability to draw freely, you can design your elimination table however you want, and beat your opponents with efficiency enhanced by creativity.

Avalon — Similar to Clue, except that nothing is certain. I usually note down which group of people voted what for each round and assign some probability based on that.

Pictionary — This one is too obvious.

Any fast paced game — Sure, people get annoyed if you over-calculate during a game that’s supposed to be casual and quick, but since those games are fast, you can use it to count the number of wins for each player. Just draw a tally mark under the winner’s name after each game. In the end you can ask the one who won the most to do 10 pushups (or N pushups where N equals to the number of wins). Some games belonging to this category: Uno, Exploding Kittens, Coup, etc.

So why iPad/iPhone & Super Simple Draw, instead of...

•just pen and paper, like people have been doing that since forever? — Because we don’t want to waste papers. It’s not about the money, but more of an environment/sustainability thing.

•Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheet? — That kinda ruins the party.

•erasable whiteboard? — Erasing is too slow. You want to play a few more games.

