Sketch a Day

Bao Lei
Super Simple Draw
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2019

I found this app called Sketch a Day and now I got addicted to it.

It provides a prompt every day for everyone to draw. For example today it’s “drink”, so you draw a cup of coffee or something; yesterday it was “tourist”, so you draw one of the selfie-takers or some touristy places like Eiffel tower. You get the idea.

What is nice about it is the community. After you draw (either digitally, or snap of photo of a physical drawing), you post the picture to this app. Then people give likes and supportive comments to each other. Users on the platform have a wide range of skill levels and styles. Some draw very realistically, while some are creative and draw funny things that really make me laugh. Most people just do quick sketches. No competitions, everyone’s here for the fun, and to practice and learn every day.

Give a try:

Some stuff I posted on Sketch A Day recently (of course all created using Super Simple Draw):

Topic of the day: Warrior
Topic of the day: Engine (I really like electric vehicles, so this is the engine for me)
Topic of the day: transform

