Super Simple Draw on Android now

Bao Lei
Super Simple Draw
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2019

Initially I built Super Simple Draw when I was amazed by how good the Apple Pencil is, its precision, response speed, etc. So naturally it was designed for the iPad. Then over time, I found my own use case to shift more and more towards everyday random/quick note jotting, rather than serious drawing. E.g. using it as a day planner as documented in this blog post, or as a grocery shopping checklist, or as a scratchpad to figure out an algorithm, or just very casual note taking in a meeting.

It then became clear that this app should be also on Android, the most popular mobile OS in the world. And here it is on the Play Store right now:

Some interesting things you can do only on Android:

  • With some launchers, you can configure to launch the app with a system shortcut (try holding down on the empty space on the home screen and go to Settings, see if there is an option to ).
  • With some phones (e.g. Samsung Galaxy) you can configure to launch the app with a hardware button (e.g. Samsung’s Bixby button)
  • With newer Android OS you can open the app in Split Screen.

Of course, there are also areas where iOS wins, like being able to copy and paste images almost everywhere, and app switching works much faster in most cases. Maybe try drawing with both and see which one you like better (in case you use an iPhone, maybe some friends have Android? ;)).

