Lauren’s Spooky Adventure: HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!!!

Super Smash Adventures
21 min readOct 22, 2017

Chapter One: The Scariness Begins

One cool and crisp Fall evening, I, Lauren Smash Azalea, am getting my costume ready. This year I’m going as The Great Sage from Miitopia, while my bro is going as a Vampire.

“Hi, Lauren! Ready to go Trick or Treating Tomorrow Night?” the girls waiting at the door are none other than Nikki and Lunar. Lunar and Nikki are from Miraland, the hottest spot for all Fashion Lovers. “My costume is Gardevoir from Pokemon, while Lunar is going as Blizzaria from Yo-Kai Watch.” says Nikki.

Sailor Mercury runs up to me and says, “Lauren! You should come to the new Haunted house tomorrow night. It’s supposed to be really spooky!” she says as she rushes off to get the poster. She comes back with a poster in her hand saying this: “Haunted house at Video Game City Academy! You’ll be frightened to your doom!”

“Lauren, I think you’ll be OK if you go with your friends. Is that OK?” Says my mom, who’s dressed up in her Star Sea Dancing dress. “Don’t you worry mom, I have nerves of steel.” I reply.

“The little kids will be a bit scared when they see me in this black cloak with my fangs, but they won’t worry. These fangs are made of plastic.” says my big bro Troy, who is just coming outside to hang out with me.

Rin Kagamine heads up to me a few minutes later in her cheerleader costume, Siting next to me she says this: “The Haunted House will really test your courage. Up for it?” she says. “Yeah. I’m legit ready to take on the haunted house.” I reply. “Then get some sleep, and we’re heading out tomorrow!” she says.

“Nighty Night, Rin, Se you tomorrow!” I say as I hang up my costume, and hop into my cozy warm bed.

I then get into my gorgeous Great Sage costume in the evening the next day. “I hope I’ll get some great candy tonight.” I think as I hold my staff.

Chapter Two: A Meeting at School

“Lauren, There you are!” says Prince Royce of the Lilith Kingdom as he comes rushing towards me in his Meta Knight Costume he made all by himself.

Mo Xiaojie: This poet has many works of art and tons of poems. One of her favorites is Light of The Seasons, a poem that tells about how the seasons change throughout the year.

A gray haired girl in a traditional Chinese uniform runs up to me. “Lauren!” she yells. “Mo Xiaojie!” I run up to her as fast as I can, giving her a hug in the process.

Shaya (Dressed as Shaymin) and Shaymin come up to me. “Your outfit looks gorgeous.” she says. I then blush, my cheeks turning cherry blossom pink.

“Nikki, there you are!” I yell, seeing her sitting down on a bench to lick a sweet strawberry lollipop. “By the way, AMAZING Gardevoir costume. I love how you captured every single detail!” I say as I sit down next to her.

Daisy Dumpling: This young Chinese girl’s family owns the world famous Dumpling shop in Starlight Mall. They serve Dim Sum, Long Life noodles, and of course, Dumplings. They are very yummy, and they can UBER you when you’re hungry for Chinese Takeout!

Another girl named Daisy Dumpling who is wearing a dumpling themed costume is at a stand yelling, “Dumplings! Get your pumpkin Dumplings before they’re gone!” I pick one up and give her some change. “Thank you!” she says, and takes out another batch of dumplings.

Gardevoir sees me from a few inches away, and yells out, “Lauren! Look at my beautiful gown! It’s sparkly, isn’t it?” she says. “Yes! I love all the glitter that’s on there.” I reply with a wink.

Yumao Burnio: This beautiful spirit is half girl, half phoenix, and lives near Mt. Fire. She is known to have a fiery temper, but is kind most of the time.

“Yumao Burnio! Mokou! You’re cosplaying as each other, I see.” I say as I see the 2 phoenix girls dressed as each other, munching on bacon curly fries. “Mind for one?” says Fujiwara No Mokou as she hands me a curly fry covered in bacon.

Princess Huahui: The niece of King Crimson, the ruler of the Flower Kingdom. She owns a huge garden that has every flower in Video Game City. She’s an expert at gardening and loves growing flowers the best.

Princess Huahui, the cousin of the 6 flower princesses, rushes up to me in her 4 leaf clover costume. “Even though it isn’t March, I wanted to have some luck in October!” she says as she twirls around in her green skirt.

Mikita AKA Shirogane (Platinum in Japanese): The youngest sister of Kin, Gin, and Bronzlow. Unlike her siblings, she is very kind hearted and wears a light blue kimono and has pure white hair. Her Name is Mikita when she’s a human. She has a pure white dress with sequins, blond hair, and blue eyes.

“Lauren! Aren’t you ready to go into the Haunted house?” says Mikita, AKA Shirogane, a girl who used to serve Dame Dedtime but got fired on accident (But became a friend of mine Also, she is dressed as a Time Angel), says. “Not yet. I still have to get the rest of the group together.” I say. “Then See you later!” She replies.

Princess Golda:Princess Meribelle’s Younger sister and 2nd ruler of the Goldfish Kingdom. She has a pet Goldfish named Goldie who she carries around everywhere she goes.

Princess Golda, Meribelle’s little sis, runs up to me in an Octopus costume and says, “So you want me to go into that haunted house? I might be scared, but I’ll try!” she says. “Don’t worry. With me, The Great Sage, there’s nothing to worry about.” I say.

The next girl I see is Suitenguu no Himemiko, who’s dressed up as the famous idol Miku Hatsune. “Looks like it’s time to go into the haunted house, eh?” she says as she meets me.

“Looks like we got everyone!” says Yamatoyo no Momohime (Dressed as Goddess Madoka Kaname) as she gathers all of us up. Now it’s time to head into the haunted house! Spooky!

Chapter Three: the First 3 Trials

“Guys, I have a feeling this is gonna be a little TOO spooky for us…” says Yoko dressed as a fairy princess, entering the haunted house as she goes. Then a spooky voice comes up, none of us realizing that it’s actually the Evil King Shadowstar!

“WHAT ON EARTH IS THAT SCARY VOICE!?!?” yells An Yaezaki (Dressed up as Cherrim from Pokemon) as she jumps back in terror from the creepy voice. Then it continues saying this: “ I have 9 Terror Trials for you, each having a very familiar obstacle! Good Luck now! Mwaaaa Ha Ha Haaaa!”

“OK, so this must be the first room, right?” Says a scared Madoka Kaname as Princess Peach, tip toeing down the hall to a shiny gold, silver, and bronze door.

“Welcome to the first room… The spirited fogy lasers!” says a female voice. “If you ever step on one of the lasers, you’ll trigger the alarm and have to go back to the starting point.” says another female voice. “Good freaking Luck!” says a male voice.

Bunny Moon: Bunny Moon is a moon rabbit who came to live on Earth after an accident on the Moon Kingdom. She is half rabbit and half human, and often very kind.

“Oh my, my bunny senses are tingling!” says Bunny Moon (Dressed up as Loppunny) as she sees a laser alarm on the top of the wall.

“That is a Laser alarm. If we trip on one of the laser beams, we’re gonna trigger the alarm and sent back here!” Warns Yumao Burnio as she uses her Phoenix sight to scan the area.

Kimi takes charge and steps in front of us. “Don’t worry! This special reveal powder will reveal everything.” she says as she makes a breeze that takes the powder off the puff, revealing the plasma lasers.

“Goodness! Those lasers are all made of plasma!” says Frisk in her witch costume, eyeing the brightly green colored beams, staring at them and trying to find a way through them.

“It looks a little scary, because Water is weak to Lightning, and I’m a water element user.” says Golda as she clutches Goldie in her fishbowl-purse.

“I have ninja skills, so I can go through this in a puff of smoke. Warp!” says Momiji the tree ninja dressed as Nya from Ninjago as she warps to the other side with her teleportation skills.

“Lauren! What are you doing in that haunted house?” says my neighbor, Xique Taitai on the phone. Xique Taitai is a caring woman who lives near my house and has a cage full of magpies. No joke. “By the way, I’m getting my candy apples prepared. Get out soon!” she says as she hangs up the phone.

“Yasu! Hurry! Jump through the smoke portal before it closes!” says Royce as he jumps into the smoke portal, avoiding all the lasers in a quick second.

“Me and the other characters with flying abilities can fly through.” says Hovernyan as he and the other flying characters rush through the lasers, dodging them.

“Nice work, guys!” say Nikki and Kimi at the same time as they exit the door along with the rest of us. Then we enter another room, and the same voice appears. “Well done. But be warned: the further you go into the haunted house, the trickier the puzzles get. Muaaa ha ha haaa!” says the voice again.

The next room we enter has Black lightning bolts on it and a gold door handle. We open the door, and tons of mirrors are arranged in a room. “WELCOME TO YOUR NEXT TRIAL: MY TIME STOPPING MIRROR SHADOWS! IF YOU GET TAGGED BY ONE OF YOUR MIRROR SHADOWS, YOU’RE DONE FOR AND SENT BACK TO THE ENTRANCE! GOOD LUCK! DUN, DUN, DUUUUN!” yells a female voice from the speaker with a creepy accent.

“Mirror shadows?” says King Dedede dressed as Gandalf, shaking and shuddering. “And that voice sounded like Dame Dedtime to me.” says Meta Knight, who is dressed up as Samurai Soul.”Poyo.” says Kirby who’s dressed up as Robin Hood.

River Spirit Luna: This lovely maiden is actually the spirit of the legendary Moonlight River. The watery gown she has on is a symbol of hope and love.

“The mirrors are coming to life!” says River Spirit Luna as she notices that strange figures are coming out of the mirrors.

Ken goes into Samurai Soul mode and tries battling the mirror shadows. “My swords aren’t working!” he complains.

Princess Yukihime/ Crystal Jelly: This is Princess Sea Nettle’s older and wise sister. She knows a lot about magic and combat and can be a very useful partner if you and her work together. (She accompanies Sea Nettle, but is also a Yuki Onna working for Queen Blizzard named Yukihime.)

“The reason your swords aren’t working is that the mirror shadows can only be damaged of you reveal them first thing. Here, let me help.” says Princess Yukihime/ Crystal Jelly as she makes a blizzard, revealing the mirror shadows.

“We’ve got you now!” say Nikki and Momo as they corner the mirror shadows, causing them to get angry.

Rosa the Ballerina: This elegant and kawaii ballerina has amazing dancing skills, and great posture. She can master every pose without falling over!

“Now look what you did! You made them angry!” says Rosa as she takes charge and kicks the mirror shadows in their organs.

“Look at that Reimu! She isn’t red at all whatsoever!” says Marisa Kirsame (dressed as Champion Cynthia) as she stares at the blue Reimu, her jaw being open.

Goldie the Dragon Maiden: The dragon princess and youngest daughter of Queen Kyodai. Her dress is made from gold and has a sparkly touch that when held up to light, shines.

“That’s the easiest way to tell a hero apart from their Mirror Shadow, Their color! Now, all I have to do is to play my special Zither and they’ll all be calmed down.” says Goldie as she plays her Zither, calming the Mirror Shadows and giving us a chance to attack them.

“Yes! My Katana swords are working again!” says Ken as he slashes up his purple colored Mirror Shadow into pieces with his shiny swords.

Galastar: A girl from the Space Kingdom Starllia. Her powers are very unique because she uses the Galaxy Stars, which are very strong on their own, but powerful if combined.

Galastar jumps in and uses the Galaxy Stars to make vines that swallow up her red Mirror Shadow Counterpart. “Eat that, red version of me!” she says.

Royce slices his sword to dice up his black Mirror Shadow Counterpart, and succeeds. “That’s the end of you, now that you’re diced up.” he says.

Lucia whips her tail tons of times to make sure she’s defeated her Mirror Shadow Counterpart. “Looks like you’re going in the oven tonight!” she says after she beats up the evil green mermaid.

Roxie Warbend: A punk rock girl who always rocks out like the girl she is. Her favorite Singers are Sia, Shakira, Justin Timberlake, and more.

“Take this!” says Roxie Warbend as she takes out her white colored Mirror Shadow with a powerful kick in the gut. A few moments later, all the Mirror Shadows are gone.

“Phew! I think that’s all over.” says Troy as he and the others follow me to the door that leads to the next room.

“Well, well, looks like you conquered my friend’s Mirror shadows, eh? Then try to get past my sea of Acidic Blood! Squee Hee Hee!” says a voice that almost sounds like King Dedede’s.

“ Sea of Acid and Blood? That may sound gross, but we gotta get to the 2nd floor. Let’s go, Lori.” says Venoct (dressed up as Falkner from Pokemon) as he and I go through the white door with the others.

“Are you kidding me? This is disgusting and dangerous!” says Patchouli Knowledge who’s dressed up as Gothitelle from Pokemon as she analyzes the red colored water that boils red like red wine.

Serena then analyzes the strange colored water. “I think I’m gonna puke.” she says as she gets a barf bag and throws up into it.

“And there’s a rope bridge that goes across it!” says Dedede when he sees a rickety old rope bridge that looks like it’s gonna fall over any second. “Not only that, If too many of us are on the bridge at once, we might just fall in and get sent back to the entrance.” warns Meta Knight.

“Don’t worry! I’ll make a portal for the heavy characters, while the light characters can go across the bridge!” says Naruto as he makes a portal with his ninja skills. We then make it to the other end safe and sound, find the staircase, and head up to the second floor.

Chapter Four: The next 3 Trials

“Good thing you cleared the second floor, eh? Then these puzzles are even tricker! My Knife needles are lined across the floor, and whoever steps on them gets their foot cut off in a bloody mess! Try if you dare!” says another crazy voice.

Sailor Moon, who’s dressed up as a Sweet Angel, analyzes the top and bottom, and notices EVERYTHING the voice says is RIGHT. There are knives lined across the bottom, and one step can cut off the foot of an unlucky kid.

“I’m a bit scared!” says Sailor Mercury dressed up as A Yuki Onna, eyeing all sharp objects on the floor. “They might just stain my white kimono.” she adds.

“Don’t you worry. I’ll find a way across for you guys.” says Sailor Mars, Dressed up as a Phoenix, using a magic pen to create a diagram that features a portal and a teleportation method.

“On the count of 3, we run into the portal one at a time.” says Sailor Jupiter dressed up as a Flower, giving me and the others the signal.

“1, 2, 3, Go!” says Sailor Venus dressed up as a knight as me and the others follow her into the portal, crossing the sea of knives safely.

“Thanks for the help, Sailor Venus. Now let’s get to the next room.” says Tuxedo Mask (Dressed as Roserade from Pokemon) as he and all of us exit the room, leading to the next one.

“Ahahaha! You got past the doctor’s sharp knife covered floors? Too bad! The next room is filled with nothing other than bees! You’ll get stung to your doom if you make a wrong step!” says a female voice coming from the speaker.

“Bees? Oh, I hope we don’t get stung!” says Sailor Pluto dressed as Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas as she and all of us make our way to the door with bees on it.

“Look, guys! Tiles!” says Sailor Neptune in a mermaid costume as she looks down at the floor. In RPGs, Most of the tiles are dangerous. If you step on the wrong tile, it’s a trap. But one tile is safe, and you can step on that one.

“Hmm, I I throw this stone at one of the tiles, maybe something bad will happen?” says Sailor Uranus dressed as a Snowboarder, throws a rock onto a Mosquito tile, and when the rock hits the tile, a bunch of bee arrows come flying out, hitting the wall! “That was close.” she thinks.

“Good Thing we didn’t step on that one!” says Chibi Ursa dressed as Jigglypuff, smiling because she knows that the ones with mosquitoes are dangerous.

“Hold on a second!” says Sailor Saturn (Dressed as The Wicked Witch of the West)as she analyzes the tiles. “These are all dangerous bugs, except for… Moths!” she says. she puts her foot on the tile… and NOTHING happens!

Toadal Dude (Dressed as A Giant Frog) and Arachnus (Dressed as a giant Tarantula) then leap onto the moth tiles, and we repeat after them, not stepping on the tiles with yellow jackets, hornets, mosquitoes, and more.

“Nice work, guys!” says Sonic (Dressed up as a giant chili dog) as he and shadow (Dressed up as a Wizard) race ahead to the next door, which is covered in metal bolts.

“Lookie, Lookie. If it isn’t those trouble making kiddies.” says another voice. “This time, the trial will be Bloody Paintball shooters. Anyone who gets hit gets sent back to the entrance.” says the voice.

Lady Virusa: A lady from the Future Kingdom Futuria. Her silver hair stands out from all the future citizens as she is one of the most skillful women in the entire known kingdom.

Lady Virusa (Dressed as Meg from A Wrinkle in Time) then steps into the room where there are a ton of shooters. “These are paintball shooters. If they notice us, then we’re done for!” she says.

“WE gotta blend in with the background, then!” says Mettaton (As Justin Timberlake). That gives Sans (As Ninten from Earthbound) a big idea! “Mettaton, that’s a great idea! We can use Sumireko Usami’s Invisible Cloak to make sure we’re not seen by the paintball shooters!” he says. “Me and my big mouth.” says Mettaton.

Duchess Prayer: A young woman who was born in a terrible climate. She prayed to the gods every day for hope. Her wishes came true a few months later. Now she lives in an old church, where she helps others pray to the gods for help.

“Lauren! My Chocolate Treats are almost ready! Come to the old church to pick some up!” says Duchess Prayer as she calls me on her phone.

Madame Oasis Mirrorbloom: An elegant lady who lives near the Lotus Lake in The Realm of the Fey. Every day, she goes to the lake to bring back water to make lotus punch. It tastes very good!

“Almost there!” says Madame Oasis Mirrorbloom (As Mal from Descendants) as we crawl through the area, until we reach the door. “We made it!” says Troy.

Chapter Five: The Last 3 Trials

Ichigo (Dressed up as Papyrus from Undertale) then finds the stairs leading to a door with 6 hearts. “Guys! In here!” he says. So we follow him in.

Then a crazy sounding voice comes from the speaker. “This Challenge is very hard: You must cross the pool without falling into the lava! If you fall in, you’re going back to the entrance! Muaaa ha ha haaa!” says the voice.

Kirto (Dressed up as King Dedede), then opens the door and what he sees is pretty dangerous. “Looks like we need a way to get to the other side without ever falling in.” he says.

Aqua, Dressed up as Milotic from Pokemon, makes a diagram to cross the lava lake. “The water element heroes can go onto the rocks and cool down the lava so the other heroes can walk on the lava and NOT get sent back to the entrance!” she says as she hands me the paper.

Kana, Dressed up as Sylveon from Pokemon, watches in awe as the water element heroes cool down the fiery lava. “We can cross now!” she says. So we cross the cooled lava with bravery all the way to the door on the other side.

The next room has a black door with purple stars on it. “Your next challenge is what I like to call “The Shadow Race.” If your shadow wins, you get sent back to the entrance. If you win, you get to move onward. Good luck!” says a female voice.

Mileena Weiss (Dressed as Toriel Dreemur from Undertale) takes off at full speed, beating her shadow to the finish line in just a few minutes.

Ix Nieves (Dressed as Asgore Dreemur from Undertale) the replies, “Wow. That’s some serious speed you’ve got there.” he compliments. “Thanks! I knew you would say that.” says Mileena.

Marcus Grimm (Dressed as Sans from Undertale) then finds another door, but this time it is covered with shiny metallic foil and red Pokeballs.

“Welcome to the last challenge: The Chandelure Fireball throw!” says a female voice. “If you get hit by one of the Chandelure Flames, you’re being sent back to the entrance.” says a male voice. “And you’ve also got us to deal with!” says another male voice.

Zazel then analyzes the walls, only to be shocked they all have Chandelures on them! “If we get hit by one of them, we get sent back to the starting point!” he warns us.

Rita Mordio (as Miss Ribble from Captain Underpants)then draws a diagram showing how we can get through the Chandelure’s without getting hit. “ On the count of 3, we run as fast as we can.” she says.

Karia (Dressed as Tinker Bell), then counts to 3, and we run as fast as we can. “C’mon! We gotta get outta here!” she tries to help us.

Repede then makes it to the other end of the room, giving us enough time to get there, and I say, “WE DID IT!” and everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

Chapter Six: Back To Trick or Treating

Yuri Lowell then wishes for us to get out of here, and in an instant, we are back on the school grounds, safe and sound as birds.

Peonia: A pretty young girl who tends the peony fields. She likes pink the best because she thinks it really stands out.

Peonia dressed as a Flower Fairy then hugs me. “You actually challenged the Haunted house? I’m impressed!” she says.

“Great work guys.” says Lord Enma. We give each other high fives and fist bumps, then grab our candy buckets.

Flynn Scifo (Dressed as Knuckle Joe)then hears his tummy growling. “It’s been a while since I’ve eaten. all that Walking made me very hungry.” he says.

Edna Status (Dressed as Kogasa Tatara from Touhou) then hears her belly rumbling, too. “Me too. I had a Cod Fillet just a few hours ago.” she says.

Judith (Dressed as Undyne from Undertale) then says, “Me too. The last time I ate tonight was at dinner, when I ate my mama’s homemade pasta!”

Estellise Sidos Heurassein (As Yuyuko Saigyouji from Touhou)then says, “I could go for something sweet, like candy!”

Mell (as Komasan From Yo-Kai Watch) then says, “Yeah. I agree with you. Don’t you agree, Gefion?” she says.

Gefion then says, “You know what, let’s go trick or treating for candy.” then the others grab our candy bags and run off. “Wait for me!” he says.

“Yeah, I agree with you, Gefion. Let’s go trick or treating and have a fun time.” says Liddel as Glinda the Good Witch as she heads towards the neighborhood with her candy bag. We race after her, too.

“HEY! WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE BEHIND THE BUTLER?!?!?!?!” yells a very angry Whisper chasing us down the sidewalk. “AHHHH! A GHOST!” I yell, running down the sidewalk.

A few moments later, we’re back home, counting all the candy we’ve collected in the neighborhood. “So how was the haunted house, kiddos? Was it scary?” asks Mom.

“Yeah. But at least we made it out alive.” I say, licking my candy apple. “This has got to be the best Halloween yet.”

The End

P.S.: Happy Halloween!



Super Smash Adventures

I like relaxing in my own little world! I live on the blue planet and love video games, anime and more! Please support me by giving my stories likes! Love, Liv.