Super Smash adventures The Mystery series book 1: Kirby and The Mystery of the disappearing lunch servers

Super Smash Adventures
9 min readMar 9, 2017

The 3 lunch severs, Master Oden, Cooking Mama, and Kawasaki, have all gone missing. Can Kirby solve this mystery before lunch?



Dear Diary,

Hi it’s me, Kirby. Today I’m gonna tell you about a mystery that happened today at school. Literally.

It all begins with Ms.Frizzle’s 10:20 AM Science class, when we are studying the Rock Cycle for the upcoming test. “Now, you just add the baking soda, and-” but before she can finish her sentence, Ms.Frizzle tells us that she has to go to a meeting with Frisk’s REAL parents, Felice and Alexander.

“Flowey! I have a great idea! Why don’t we tell our friends Dark Link and Dark Zelda to trick Master Oden, Chef Kawasaki, And Cooking Mama into making killer cupcakes?” says Chara. Chara is the biggest bully in school. She draws Killing scenes in art class, tries to cut the ropes in gym class, and so on, you get the idea.

Later at 12:00 PM, it’s lunchtime, and we get to sit in different groups. I’m the fastest eater in this entire school, and I’m serious. I usually get the yummy curry, (Which is really spicy, if you ask me.), a tomato, some apple slices, a milk, and some shortcake. But today I am a bit creative, and I decide to take some Chicken nuggets, a juice, some cucumber slices, some grapes, and a cheesecake.

Corsilana Shellfeather: This mermaid has just moved to Crystal Waters from the cold Iceberg Bay and she has lots of knowledge of the outside world.

“Here you go. Fresh Cucumbers from the garden, Dragiana!” says Corsilana as she feeds her dragon friend a cool cucumber.

After school today, Dark Link and Dark Zelda warp to the bad guys hideout and get to business by creating a prank cupcake recipe. “Let’s Prank the lunch servers by adding a bottle of vinegar and some baking soda to the mix. Then they’ll get a HUGE surprise!” says Dark Zelda. “Let’s add 3 boxes of baking soda and 3 bottles of vinegar to the recipe. Then they’ll get the BIGGEST surprise ever!” adds Dark Link.


9:55 AM

The very next day, Dark Link and Dark Zelda hurry to the cafeteria and stick the yellow sticky note on the door.

“Hey look guys, there is a note saying that it’s Principal Master hand’s birthday!” says Master Oden to his friends, Cooking Mama and Chef Kawasaki.

“WOW! WHY DON’T WE SURPRISE HIM AND MAKE CUPCAKES FOR THE ENTIRE ACADEMY?” says Cooking Mama as she reads the note out loud, filled with excitement.

“Now, there are a ton of students and a lot of staff in this academy, so this means a lot of each ingredient.” says Kawasaki.

The cafeteria servers manage to get the ingredients, but Kawasaki accidentally pours in the vinegar, and…KA-BLOOOOOOOOOSH!!!! A huge explosion occurs. Guess I’ll need science to explain this… The goop then travels down the hallway, trying to destroy anything in it’s path. It isn’t long before the goop starts spilling into the classrooms.

“ I guess we have to tell Principal Master Hand about this, right, BFF?” says Everfore as she and Blizzaria try to get away from the goop tsunami by teleporting. While running, Blizzaria gets out her phone and manages to get it on Facebook while Everfore posts it on Instagram.

This afternoon, The cafeteria servers have a meeting in Principal Master Hand’s Sticky yellow office. “IT WAS NEVER MY BIRTHDAY!!!” yells Principal Master hand with anger. The meeting goes on, and the cafeteria servers mysteriously disappear from the office.


1:55 PM

The next day, The academy bell goes off, and Tabuu’s voice over the intercom says, “DARK LINK AND DARK ZELDA! PLEASE REPORT TO PRINCIPAL MASTER HAND’S OFFICE THIS INSTANT!” “What we didn’t do yesterday was never actually our fault!” says Dark Link. “Yeah, we never did it- for it was an accident!” So Dark Link and Dark Zelda hurry to Principal Master Hand’s office.


“Maybe if we are REALLY bad, he might take our Homework gems away, and even our Class gems away.” says Dark Zelda as she sees Camellia, Damona, and Blizzaria walk down the hallways to their math class.

“WE ALREADY HEARD THAT! FROM NOW ON YOU’LL HAVE TO EAT IN YOUR CLASSROOMS AND BRING YOUR OWN LUNCHES TO SCHOOL!!!!” says his little brother, Crazy hand as if he is a scaredy cat. “

“Man, I have never seen The Principal more angry today than before.” says Camellia as she races to math class with her pals tagging along behind her. “Yeah. one time Slimamander accidentally knocked down the trophy case, nearly causing all the trophies to fall out! Man, was Tabuu angrier than ever!” says Damona. Blizzaria laughs a lot, causing her laughter charm to glow brightly.


9:22 AM

The next day, it is Snack time. Snack time is where all the students go to the cafeteria for a quick meal before Math Class. Even us Characters need to eat, because NO ONE can adventure on a super empty belly.

But today is different. Everyone has gray skin, yarn bodies, and creepy purple eyes. “Those are yarnified zombies! Yin Yarn, Magolor, and Sectonia dressed up as the lunch servers and turned everyone into yarnified zombies!” says Meta Knight.

Then Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Zinnia hurry up to us and say, “You gotta find the sweets key before lunch. It’s the only way to set things right!” says Wedding Peach. “Here’s a map of the school. We put an X to show the location of the key.” says Angel Lily. “Good luck, guys!” says Angel Daisy. “And Avoid those Zombies!” says Angel Zinnia.

“This means another mystery for Detective Kirby.” I think. Me and my friends put on Detective gear and head into the cafeteria.

“Look! Those are the gems Yin Yarn set up to turn our friends into Zombies!” says King Dedede, pointing to a strange gem on the table to us. “That is right. Now we just need to find the Sweets Key.” adds Meta Knight.

Then we turn around and see Lauren, who is wearing an orange kimono she has got from her trip to Japan. “Hey guys, can I help you on your quest?” she says. “Heck yeah!” says Dedede. So Lauren and Troy join us on the wild goose chase to solve the mystery of The Disappearing lunch servers.


9:30 AM

A few minutes later, we come across something that appears to be a UFO. “I gotta take a picture of this and post it on my Mom’s Facebook account for everyone in the world to see.” says Lauren as she takes out her phone. But before she can, Taranza appears and tells us that the Sweets Key is in a secret vault inside the UFO. “Take this code and scan it into the vault!” he says before teleporting away. I manage to get inside the spaceship, scan the bar code, and obtain the sweets key. “Look out!” yells Bandana Waddle Dee as he spots Yin Yarn, Sectonia, and Magolor heading towards us.

“Well, look who we have here. Kirby and Friends.” says Yin yarn as he corners us as if we were innocent. “I’d say we lock them in the prison cell before Dame Dedtime casts them into the flames for our dinner.” says Sectonia, thinking about eating us for dinner.

“Not so fast, Yin Yarn. Or else you’re gonna get another nosebleed.” says Prince Fluff as he jumps down from the celling, nearly smacking the bad guys to the floor. “Prince Fluff? How did YOU get here?!?!” says Bandana Dee. “I went in through the celling with my laser band.” he says.

“YOU FOOL! HAVE A TASTE OF THIS!” yells Sectonia as she holds up a barrel of TNT to use on us. Dedede then uses his hammer to knock back the TNT, resulting in a explosion. I then use the portal opener to send the 3 back to Master Hand’s office, where they are given an automatic detention.

“I can’t thank you guys enough! Now let’s get back to the cafeteria and make lunch!” says Cooking Mama as she teleports back to the cafeteria.

“Come on kids, we gotta fend off those zombies and defend this lunch!” says Sgt. Burly as he uses his Beat Camp pump up to boost his allies up to fight. If you’re ever feeling to loose weight, just head over to Burly’s Beat Camp in the Yo-kai world to loose weight the fun way!

I manage to get the pure heart diamond and make a wish that everyone returns to normal. A Bright light fills the school, and everyone is back to normal.


12:00 PM

A little while later, it’s lunch time. “Man, what a great case that’s closed now- and a yummy one, I must say!” says Dedede.

I then sit down to eat my yummy cheese pizza, because after a long day, it’s snack time!

The End

Question: If you were to have lunch with either Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee, King Dedede, or Meta Knight, which one of these characters would you have lunch with? Leave your answer in the responses below!



Super Smash Adventures

I like relaxing in my own little world! I live on the blue planet and love video games, anime and more! Please support me by giving my stories likes! Love, Liv.