Team Smash’s Adventures of The Little Mermaid 2 Return to The Sea

It’s been about a few months or so since our heroes have gone to Atlantica. Now, they’re faced with an even tougher challenge: To get back an ancient heirloom passed down for generations! But as always, ShadowStar strikes yet again, and our heroes are in deep trouble this time! With a new world to explore, will our heroes recover the missing locket before time runs out? Read to find out!

Super Smash Adventures
61 min readJan 5, 2019


Prologue: A Family Reunion Gone Wrong

Queen Umiko: Why, what a beautiful daughter I have! I bet my brother in law will be so impressed to see his new niece!

Baby Otohime: Mama.

Queen Umiko: Who’s mommy’s favorite little princess? Yes, you are! Now, it’s time to go to the family reunion. Toyotama?

Toyotama-Hime: Yes, Mother?

Queen Umiko: Get dressed in your formal wear! We’re going to see your uncle!

Toyotama-Hime: Got it!


Toyotama-Hime: I’m dressed, Mother!

Queen Umiko: Now let’s go. But first, I need to get your Father. Watatsumi!

King Watatsumi: Yes, dear?

Queen Umiko: Time to go, dearie!

King Watatsumi: Coming!


King Poseidon: Why, There you are! And what a beautiful baby you have!

King Watatsumi: Yes, we’ve named her Otohime, just like Grandmama wanted.

King Poseidon: Why, if Grandmama were alive right now, she would be so pleased.

Queen Umiko: Poseidon, you had something for Otohime, didn’t you?

King Poseidon: That’s right. Otohime, I present this to you, to symbolize your heritage as a Western Sea Princess- What the?

Toyotama-Hime: Something’s happening!

King Shadowstar: Did I miss anything?

King Poseidon: King Shadowstar!

King Watatsumi: Solran’s evil brother!

King Shadowstar: You guessed my name, fish king!

King Poseidon (Angrily): Don’t call me that!

King Shadowstar: Well, I brought a little surprise to this little party. (Whistles for the Kraken) Now, your little niece will become Octopus food! (Grabs Otohime)

King Poseidon: Otohime!

Queen Umiko: My Baby!

Toyotama-Hime: Oh, no you don’t!

King Shadowstar: Hey, Goldfish Girl! Stop messing with my plans!

Toyotama-Hime: Too Late-o! (Giggles)

King Poseidon: We must unite our magic. Brother? Aurora? Corsica?

Queen Aurora: Ready!

King Watatsumi: Ready!

Queen Corsica: Ready!

Poseidon, Watatsumi, Corsica, and Aurora: 4 Ocean Blast!

King Shadowstar: This may seem like the end, but it’s just the beginning! On the week before your 15th Wedding anniversary, that locket will be lost to none other than ME! Muahahaha!

King Poseidon: What are we gonna do?

Queen Umiko: Don’t worry, Brother-In-Law. We’ll hide the necklace in our bedroom, where Shadowstar will never find it.

King Watatsumi: Get some sleep, Otohime.

Queen Umiko: Goodnight, Dear.

Chapter 1: Time to Set Sail!


Otohime: Morning! Gotta get to school!

RedFin: Your highness, you forgot to brush your teeth!

Otohime: Oh, right.

Queen Umiko: Honey, I think our locket is missing. What happened to it?

King Watatsumi: I don’t know. Maybe it disappeared while I was sleeping!

Otohime: What are you talking about?

Queen Umiko: The Family Treasure, The Aqualian Locket, is gone.

King Watatsumi: Without it, we can’t protect our kingdom.

Toyotama-Hime: Then Otohime and I will go to school and figure out what happened.

Queen Umiko: Then here are your lunches, and have a fun day at school, girls!

Otohime: Sayanora!

Umi: Wait for me!


Zan Partizanne: Hi, Otohime!

Kirby: Hai!

Seimei: Hey, Otohime.

Otohime: Hi, guys.

Lauren: Whoa, Otohime. You look down in the dumps. What happened?

Otohime: My family treasure, The Aqualian Locket, is somewhat missing.

Lauren: Then we gotta report this to Mrs. Gothitelle, ASAP!


Mrs. Gothitelle: Oh, no. This is bad. Without The Aqualian Locket, the seas can’t co-exsist in harmony!

Rosalina: You know what this means…

Thomas: To The S. S. Adventure?

Mrs. Gothitelle: Yes, to The S. S. Adventure, ASAP!

Nikki: Come on, everyone!

Momo: Let’s go!

Peachie: To The S.S. Adventure!

Diantha: Come on!

Kumiho Cookie: Single file!

Homura: Get your bags!

Puppetta: This way!

Grice: To the harbor!

Chen Yakumo: No time to rest!

Aya Shameimaru: We gotta get there ASAP!

Reimu Hakurei: Bags, check!

Marisa Kirsame: Food, check!

Ako Udagawa: Gear, check!

Ran Mitake: Clothes, check!

Nozomi Tojo: Coins and Diamonds, check!

Eli Ayase: We’ve got everything!

Nico Yazawa: Pretty much.

Eve Wakamiya: Let’s roll out!

Blizzaria: I’m coming too! I got the ice cream bar working again!

Troy: Thanks, Blizzaria!

Blizzaria: Anything I can do for you, Troy!

Barnacles: Come on, Octonauts, we haven’t got all day!

Kwazii: Last one to The Octopod is a sour glass of milk!

Peso: I can’t wait to see Ariel again! We haven’t contacted each other in a very looong time.

Shellington: You and Ariel must be very good friends!

Dashi: I can’t wait to see her daughter Melody! She’s adorable, from what I’ve heard.

Tweak: I’ve packed everything, so make sure to double check when you get onboard!

Tunip: Chupa, Chupa! (I packed the food, too!)

Prof. Inkling: And our library is cleaned twice, just to be safe.

Otohime: And our weapons, in case there’s a battle.

Daisy: I got everything, too! Our clothes, our food, and of course, our essentials!

Blackberry Cookie: Man, that ship is huge.

Cheesecake Cookie: It reminds me of my family yacht. After all, this was once a pirate ship, but got upgraded to 21st Century style!

Iroha: I can’t wait to find the locket!

Yachiyo: Yes, for without the locket, our oceans can’t exist as one.

Tsuruno: But according to my calculations, I think Shadowstar hid the locket in a lair entirely made of ice.

Sana: But a lair made of ice would be impossible to find!

Felicia: Don’t worry. I’ve got my scanner, which scans for invisible objects in any area.

Toad: Lauren, you forgot your bags!

Lauren: Thanks, Toad!

Kasumi: I can’t wait to go on a new adventure!

Tae: Our destination is Atlantica in an alternate dimension.

Rimi: You mean, the one where Ariel has a baby girl?

Saya: Yep. And we have about a whole week before Umiko and Watatsumi’s 15th Wedding Anniversary, which means we have to go there and find that locket!

Arisa: And we have a lot of heroes on our side. So this means we’ll have lots of backup even if we lose a battle.

Kirby: Poyo, Poyo! (I can’t wait!)

Magolor: Anchor Hoisted?

Taranza: Check!

Susie: Poop Deck Cleaned?

Seimei: Double Check.

Abdallah: Looks like she’s ready for sailing!

Whisper: I knew you’d say that, Abdallah!

Jibanyan: Nyeah!

PhoenixMaster1: I’m so happy to be joining you on this adventure. After all, I’m your best friend!

Nate: So am I!

Katie: I can’t believe we’re gonna go save the world again!

Toyotama-Hime: This mission isn’t just to help our parents.

Otohime: This is for all of Magitopia.

Venoct: It sure is. After all, I can’t disappoint Watatsumi, for I must thank him for changing me into a merman, which saved my life.

Marina-San: Now, before you leave on your adventure, I’ll give you this: It’s a tablet, with a built-in summoning crystal! It’ll call on whatever heroes you need for the job.

Lauren: Thanks, Marina-San.

Marina-San: Anything for my pleasure, Lauren. Now get out there and save Magitopia!

Fumika Mori: Good luck out there!

Matsugi Ririko: Don’t get hurt!

Captain Cuttlefish: Be brave out there, heroes!

Sunny: Don’t worry!

Clay: We’ll save Magitopia before you know it!

Tsunami: We’ll foil Shadowstar’s plans once and for all!

Starflight: And restore peace and harmony to the oceans!

Fatespeaker: I knew you’d say that!

Glory: And please, please, don’t get killed out there.

Deathbringer: They already know, Glory.

Glory: (Sighs)

Barnacles: Ready to head to Atlantica, crew?

Heroes: Yeah, Captain!

Angel Cookie: I can’t wait, I can’t wait!

Devil Cookie: I finally get the chance to be an actual hero!

Yohane Tsushima: Hey guys, wanna have a juice box?

Hero Cookie: I’ll take one!

Revali: Me too!

Optimus Prime: Best of luck, heroes.

Chase: Hope you return safely.

Orange Cookie: Yoot!

Werewolf Cookie: I promise that we’ll get home before the 7 days are up!

Champion Steven: You have to! It’s the only way to save Magitopia!


Kwazii: Yes, I finally got Jack Sparrow!

Peso: What are you playing?

Kwazii: Disney Heroes: Battle Mode.

Peso: I’m playing that, but I’m currently working on getting Frozone to Purple.

Kwazii: Then lets play together!

Peso: That’s a great idea!

Otohime: I just love the brownies that you guys make. They’re chewy, gooey, goodness!

Adeline: Thanks! They’re my family recipe.

Ribbon: We should be approaching the portal in about 11 minutes!

Daroach (Through Phone): Maybe you should do something to pass the time.

Adeline: Perfect!

Magolor: But what?

Taranza: Let’s think of SOMETHING.

Susie: I know! How about we talk about interesting things?

Gryll (Through Phone): That’s a great idea!


Nico Yazawa: We should be there by now.

Meta Knight: There’s the portal!

Seimei: Hold onto your hats, guys!

(The heroes enter the portal, while this music is playing:

Sayo: Woaaaah! I’m getting sick!

That’s why we gotta hold onto The S. S. Adventure! To make sure you don’t fall off!

Toyotama-Hime: Or get sick and go overboard!

Venoct: Make sure to have a firm grip, or you’ll fall!


Blackberry Cookie: Guys, hold on tight, this is gonna be a bumpy landing!

Daroach (Through Phone): You’d better!

Nikki: Just hold on as best as you can!

Hanayo Koizumi: Aieeeee!

Kanon: Fueeeee~!

Chisato: Just try to stay calm! After all, we’re gonna be landing on water!

Aya-Chan: Look out!

Hina: We’re coming in!

Everyone Else: Aaaahhhhh!


Taranza: We’re here!

Cure Scarlet: Man, that was fun!

Whisper: How dare you get me wet!

Seimei: Well, if you didn’t wanna get wet, you should’ve sat in the back.

Celine: Pretty much.

Tiff: We gotta go, by the way. The world needs us!

Kirby: Poyooo… (Man, that was crazy…)

Tiff: At least we’re safe.

Zan Partizanne: Huh? What’s that?

Seimei: I don’t remember seeing that wall before.

Callie: Yeah. The last time I was here, I don’t remember seeing it at all.

Marie: Me too.

Samus Aran: I detect in our surroundings, Melody might be near.

Sailor Neptune: Looks like we don’t have to go far. Look!

Riko Sakurauchi: There she is!

Chika Takami: S. S. Adventure, Back to Magitopia!

(The S. S. Adventure sails back to Magitopia)

Kagura: Looks like there’s one thing left to do.

Meloetta: Start our Adventure?

Tethu: You took the words right outta my mouth!

Esna: Yes, but you have 7 days to get the locket back, or Magitopia’s oceans will no longer have a balance!

Daisy: Then we’re the heroes to count on!

Peach: We’ll bring back that locket!

Rosalina: And save Magitopia’s Oceans!

Esna: Good luck!

Madoka: Speaking of which, isn’t it time we met Melody?

Lauren: Then let’s go!

Chapter 2: Meeting Melody

Iris: Look, guys. Melody’s deep sea diving! We gotta catch up with her.

Misty: Then we gotta activate our Magicrystals so we can breathe underwater!

Serena: Here goes nothing!

Dawn: Hey, we can breathe underwater without growing our mermaid fins!

May: Isn’t that cool?

Callie: It is!

Marie: But nothing beats taking a dip in the ocean!

Susie: Follow Melody!

Blackberry Cookie: Look at the shells she’s picking up! If we follow her as she picks up the shells, we might just know what’s happening.

Adventurer Cookie: That’s a great idea, Blackberry Cookie! A good adventurer always looks for clues.

Gingerbrave: Follow that dolphin!

Gingerbright: There’s a shell in it’s beak!

Misty: Wait. I see something sparkly!

May: Then let’s pick it up and see what it is!

Tiger Lily Cookie: Something… Shiny!

GingerBright: Tiger Lily Cookie is right! It’s something shiny!

Skater Cookie: But it’s too heavy to pull out.

Muscle Cookie: Let me handle that!

Ninja Cookie: Why, it’s a hairpin!

Adventurer Cookie: And this hairpin reads: Toyotama-Chan! It must belong to Toyotama-Hime!

Otohime: Oh, my! My sister must’ve dropped this! I’ll put it in my inventory, just to be safe.

Zan Partizanne: You can never be TOO careful.

Kaguya: Thank gosh we didn’t stay underwater for TOO long.

Mannendake: Yeah. If we did, we could’ve drowned!

Kirby: Poyo, poyo. (You know, we have our Magicrystals.)

Venoct: We know, Kirby.

Iroha: Oh my, look at the time!

Yachiyo: It’s Melody’s 12th Birthday, and we can’t be late.

Tsuruno: Then we should take a break from swimming.

Sana: And get dried off.

Felicia: Yup. That’s what we heroes always do when we get outta the water.


Tae: Guys, I got disguises!

Kasumi: I knew you’d have those, O-Tae!

Saya: But look at Ariel.

Rimi: So, if she’s dipping her feet in the water,

Arisa: That probably means that she’s being a little bit nostalgic.

Venoct: Me too. I loved the sea as well.

Moonlight Cookie: Guys! Put on your disguises! We’re going to Melody’s 12th Birthday party, after all!

Spongebob: Ta-da! Like it?

Kyoko Sakura: You’re handsome as Mettaton!

Mami Tomoe: As for you, Lauren, you’re looking stylish!

Lauren: Thanks, Mami.

Inugami: Then we should be at the party.

Momo: Woah! I wonder if they have grilled fish here!

Yoko: Now, Momo. We gotta be on our best behavior!

Momo: Don’t worry, I’ll try!

Nikki: Look at all these guests! They must have a sense of style, too!

Lunar: Yeah. But we gotta look around for clues.


Rosalina: Sebastian!

Susie: Well, that ain’t good.

Pac Man: Oh, no!

Fox: Now what are we gonna do?

Girl Inkling: Woomy. (Follow her.)

Marth: But where is she headed?

Mario: Her-a bedroom.

Link: I know. I’ve watched the movie before.

Pikachu: Pika Pi? (What’s in that locket?)

Ryu: Look at that locket!

Villager: It’s a picture!

Megaman: Of Atlantica!

Snake: Hurry, Ariel’s coming! Hide!

Pit: Thank goodness we had the invisibility cloak.

Donkey Kong: Ooo, ooo! (Or, she’d see us!)

Sonic: Ok, so, Ariel just found out Melody’s secret!

Yoshi: Yo, Yoshi! (Oh, no!)

Cloud: She’s heading outside!

Kirby: Poyo Poyo! (Then we gotta follow her!)

Samus: She’s heading towards that boat!

Bayonetta: And she’s getting into it!

Nikki: I’ll get The S. S. Adventure, you call Principal Master Hand!

Spongebob: Hey, Principal Master Hand?

Principal Master Hand: Don’t worry! But you gotta get Melody back safe and sound ASAP!

Sailor Moon: Good. The S. S. Adventure’s arrived.

Dia Kurosawa: Then lets get boarding!

Ribbon: Ok, everyone!

Adeline: Single file, please!

Toadal Dude: Ladies and Gentlemen, for your safety, keep your hands, arms, feet, and legs and all other body parts we don’t need to mention inside the boat. As for EXTRA SAFETY, put the strap over your body and strap yourself to the seat.

Arachnus: TD! Can you stop with this whole “For your safety” thingy?!

Mario: It’s-a getting annoying.

Luigi: Pretty much.

Toadal Dude: Fine.

Pearl: Now, there’s one little flaw:

Marina: The ride might get a little bumpy.

Peach: So hold on!

Abdallah: Everyone onboard?

Whisper: Yes!

Jibanyan: Then hold on!

PhoenixMaster1: Full speed ahead!

Kusa: Hold on!

Zan Partizanne: Whoa!

Eli Ayase: She’s headed North!

Yohane Tsushima: I’m tracking her, and it looks like she’s gonna find out the truth!

Nico Yazawa: Wait. Who’s that?

Hanayo Koizumi: It’s a cloaked figure!

Kotori Minami: But I don’t know who it is.

Rin Hoshizora: Yeah, who are you?

Honoka Kosaka: Of course. You might be a stranger.

Maki Nishikino: But tell us who you are.

Hanamaru Kunikida: Just this once.

Nozomi Tojo: Please, we beg you.

You Watanabe: Just tell us this one time.

Umi Sonoda: Got it?

Cloaked Figure: Yes. Anyways, I am a young mage, and I already know what you’re seeking.

Rosalina: Wait, you know what we’re looking for?

Peach: you must be a mind reader, then!

Cloaked Figure: Yes. So, you want to help Melody get to Atlantica? I’ve got just the solution for that. Just follow me to my lab in the icy sea.

Wind Archer Cookie: A lab? That’s the same one Tsuruno mentioned earlier!

Cloaked Figure: Right you are! And my master and I know a substance powerful enough to change your body when you enter water.

Spongebob: So who’s your master, then?

Thomas: And what about that so called substance that changes your body when you enter water?

Cloaked Figure: I’d rather keep those things a secret. After all, I never want to spoil my deepest secrets.

Thomas and Spongebob: Oh.

Pancake Cookie: Acorn Jellies, please!

Daisy: Here ya go!

Pancake Cookie: Thanks!

Pink Choco Cookie: Nate, Katie, Ribbon, Aqours, Nikki, Lori, Youko, Alice Matrigoid, Sea Fairy Cookie, and Wind Archer Cookie, you go swim over to that iceberg. We’ll stay here while you find out what that cloaked figure is up too. Got it?

Everyone Else: Got it!

Pink Choco Cookie: Good luck!

Toon Link: Get back safely!

Kiwi Cookie: I swear, by Moonlight Cookie’s hair, make it out safe and sound.

Blackberry Cookie: I’d have to agree with Kiwi.

Grapefruit Cookie: Me too!

Cocoa Cookie: Here’s your scuba gear!

Snow Sugar Cookie: And your Magicrystals!

Skating Queen Cookie: Be sure not to get hurt!

Carol Cookie: I’ll sing The Song of Hopes and Dreams to support you!

Fire Spirit Cookie: Come back safely, Wind Archer.

Moonlight Cookie: Please, don’t get hurt, Sea Fairy.

Luigi: Please Hurry!

Mario: And Make it-a back!

Sea Fairy Cookie: Don’t worry, Moonlight. We’ll be fine.

Tiger Lily Cookie: You’ll… Be… Fine.

Wind Archer Cookie: Got it.

Chapter 3: The Dreaded Miss Paratime

Diana Paratime: Oh, Hi!

Nikki: By the way, who exactly are you?

Diana Paratime: I’m Diana Paratime, Straight A Student in all subjects, especially Science, and a researcher for ways to make a species that can breathe underwater, finding the cure for Leukemia, etc. But just call me Diana.

Alice Matrigoid: Diana Paratime? I’m getting a little bit of Deja Vu…

Prof. Juniper (Thru Phone): Heroes, I don’t think you should even trust her…

Dr Fennel (Thru Phone): Yes, Professor, you shouldn’t even TRUST strangers.

Mari Ohara: Did you hear that?

Kanan Matsuura: Morgana actually knows her secret?

Daisy (Thru Phone): What are you doing in there?

Peach (Thru Phone): Don’t stay too long!

Rosalina (Thru Phone): We gotta save the world!

Pauline (Thru Phone): Any fascinating evidence?

Maki Nishikino (Thru Phone): Tell us, now!

Sea Fairy Cookie: Well, we met this woman. Her name was Diana Paratime.

Wind Archer Cookie: And she said something about science experiments, but I don’t know what she meant by the “Creating a new species that can live underwater thingy.”

Fire Spirit Cookie: Diana Paratime? I think that name DEFINITELY means trouble.

Moonlight Cookie: It does. And probably she was talking about turning people into fish, or maybe she’s creating a new underwater breath system, I guess?

Wind Archer Cookie: Well, just to be safe, I guess she planned to give people underwater breath.

Moonlight Cookie: That’s a pretty good guess. Moonlight, out.

Wind Archer Cookie: So, just who are you, mysterious cloaked woman?

Cloaked Figure: Who am I? I am Pomegranate Cookie, priestess of the sacred Pomegranate Tree. It is my duty to tend to your desires.

Wind Archer Cookie: But Pomegranate, we want to ask you something.

Pomegranate Cookie: And What is that?

Wind Archer Cookie: To help us swim through the frigid waters of the Frozen Sea.

Pomegranate Cookie: Then I’ve got just the solution for that. Just look into this crystal while I get the potion.

Yohane Tsushima: So, Diana, could you give our pearls a little boost,

Mari Ohara: Like allowing us to swim through the waters of the icy seas of the north?

Nate: As for the 2 of us, we need the ability to swim like dolphins.

Katie: We need that ability to recover a stolen locket.

Diana Paratime: OK, OK, I’ll get the serum needed for your desires, then!

Ribbon: Hold the phone. Is that the PISCES SERUM? Where the heck have you been keeping it?

Diana Paratime: Stole it from a laboratory. And I’ve been saving it to use for a certain moment like this.

Lori: Are you serious about this?

Diana Paratime: Don’t worry, you won’t feel any pain whatsoever. You’ll be fine! Besides, it’s only a syringe, right?

Nate: What are you doing to us- Hey, that hurt!

Katie: Don’t wanna tell this to you, Nate, but our watches AND legs are somehow glowing! And we’re being incased in this bubble of light! What’s happening?!

Lori: What the heck’s happening to my legs? Please don’t tell me this serum came with SIDE EFFECTS!

Chika Takami: We’d hate to tell you this, but we’re transforming as well!

Aqours Girls: AUUUUGH!

Pomegranate Cookie: Go ahead. Look into the crystal…

Sea Fairy Cookie: Wind Archer, look out! (Gets captured by magic bubble)

Wind Archer Cookie: Gah! (Gets captured by a jade green tornado)

Nate: What happened? Why can’t I even feel my knees?

Katie: Did we just become mermaids?

Pomegranate Cookie: Muahahaha! The Guardian of The Forest and the Sea Nymph whom loved The Moon are now eternal residents of the icy ocean! They have no chance of escaping now! Muahahaha!

Wind Archer Cookie: Oh, no! My lower body! It’s been turned into a fishtail!

Sea Fairy Cookie: But considering that I have legs when I go to see Moonlight, My transformation is just natural.

Youko: Now, I don’t wanna stress you out, but we gotta tell this to the others! Let’s go!

Blackberry Cookie: Swim to the exit!

Cherry Blossom Cookie: After all, you can’t walk on land now that your legs have been transformed!

Wizard Cookie: They’re approaching The S. S. Adventure!

Cheesecake Cookie: Jump on!

Cherry Cookie: Don’t forget about Ruby and Dia!

Vampire Cookie: And Wind Archer!

Fujiwara no Mokou: What the heck happened to you guys? Transplant?

Hanamaru Kunikida: Got turned into anchovies. pretty much sums it up.

Mew Lettuce: Well, I’m grateful that you guys didn’t end up as pizza toppings!

Lady Bow: Yes. Or else, I would’ve been hungry and wanting to put you on a pizza!

Kaguya: So, what happened?

Marigold: They got turned into anchovies.

Lena: That pretty much sums it up.

Kake: In 5 words.

Phione: We already know!

Abdallah: And of course, you always gotta have your Magicrystal on hand, so always remember that.

PhoenixMaster1: Yes, for a Magicrystal is one of the most powerful things in The Universe.

Venoct: Yes, but Lauren has The Rainbow Smash Ball, the most powerful Magicrystal of all.

Wind Archer: Now what? I’m gonna have to spend the rest of my days in the ocean, and I’ll never see you again.

Millennial Tree Cookie: Do not worry, my faithful guardian, your transformation is not my fault. For this time, The Scarlet Curse didn’t turn you into Night Raven, for your heart was too pure. This time, it turned you into a Mercookie, a species of Cookie that lives under the sea.

Wind Archer Cookie: I just want my legs back. I never wished for a merman’s tail anyway.

Millennial Tree Cookie: I or your Mother, Sugar Swan, could change you back, but I’m afraid that we might just use up our powers. After all, if your Magicrystal is 100% dry, you’ll recover your legs.

Wind Archer Cookie: You know, I just recovered my legs right now.

Millennial Tree Cookie: See, I told you it would work! It just takes a little bit of patience.

Cure Honey: You know, some people have to accompany Melody.

Cure Lovely: Who’ll be up for the task?

Cure Princess: only 5 or 10 of you can go on this risky trek.

Cure Fortune: So choose carefully.

Madoka: We’ll go!

Kyoko: There’s 10 of us!

Sayaka: And we have the right Magicrystals!

Mami: And a little bit of super strength, but I think that counts.

Homura: Then we’re going!

Iroha: I got the snacks!

Tsuruno: Ready to head out, girls?

Felicia: 1000% ready, Tsuruno!

Sana: Y-Y-Yeah!

Yachiyo: Then lets go.

Satori Komeji: Good luck out there!

Kirby: Poyo! (Come back soon!)


Mrs. Gothitelle: Heroes, The 4 Rulers of the Oceans are waiting for you. Head back to Eric’s castle ASAP!

Patrick: Don’t worry, I’ll get us back ASAP.

Mrs. Gothitelle: Oh, Patrick. You’re so smart!

Squidward: So, You’re back already?

Lauren: We sure are!

Mr. Joe: Lauren, I’m glad you made it in the nick of time!

Aquaria: That’s because we’re here to give you a boost.

Riko Sakurauchi: A boost? In what?

Aquaria: Your mermaid powers.

Queen Corsica: When you activate your Magicrystals, we’ll unite our magic and give you a transformation boost.

King Poseidon: The Transformation Boost will help you swim faster, use more powerful attacks, and detect where Melody and The Aqualian Locket are.

King Watatsumi: Besides, we have search parties looking for the heirloom of The Royal Family of The Western and Eastern Sea Kingdoms.

Queen Aquamarine: While those on land are led by Lord Enma and Zazel, as well as your Father, General Lucas.

General Lucas: Lauren, Troy, I must lead the search on land with some of your friends, while you 2 and your cousins support the search underwater.

Leona: Don’t worry, Uncle Lucas! My little brother and I got it just fine! Isn’t that right, Thomas?

Thomas: That’s right, sissy!

Reimu Hakurei: I swear, by the Goddess Amaterasu, I’ll do it.

Wakasagihime: You will? Yay! But the thing is, I’m searching on land, and that means I’ll have to travel in my water tank.

Len: Yep! We sure will!

Rin: We’ll track down that locket and bring it back safe and sound!

Miku: Don’t worry. We’ll save the world!

Alyssa: And Lauren, Please, don’t get hurt. After all, you’ve been in these waters more than once.

Troy: Don’t worry, Mom. My little sister and I can handle anything.

Lauren: That’s so right. Anyways, ready to transform, everyone?

Every other hero: Got it, Lauren!

Lauren and Friends: Magicrystal, Power uuuuuup!

King Poseidon: It’s time to take action.

King Poseidon and friends: Haa!

(The team proceeds to transform, infused with the powers of the oceans)

Lauren: Woah! Our tails are glowing blue!

Aquaria: That means you’re infused with the powers of the ocean.

Prof. Inkling: I must say, your group transformation shocked me!

Barnacles: No time to talk. We must search for that locket ASAP!

Shellington: Captain, let’s get sailing!

Tunip: Chupa, Chupa! (Let’s go, guys!)

Tweak: Everything’s ready.

Dashi: Full speed ahead!

Peso: Hang on!

Kwazii: Then it’s back to Atlantica!

Otohime: Water Dragon, come to my aid!

Lauren: Now let’s save Magitopia’s Oceans!

Venoct: You said it, Lori.

Fransisca: You said it.

Marx: For sure!

Chapter 4: Back to Atlantica


Madoka: OK, so you gotta turn this way… and that way…

Homura: Madoka, I’d hate to break it to you, but something’s happening.

Iroha: And what would THAT be?

Madoka: The whale!

Homura: Everyone, hold on!

Mami: The whale’s gonna shoot out a ton of water!

Kyoko: Brace yourselves!

Sayaka: Just stay calm!

Madoka, Iroha, and the rest of the girls: WOAAAAAAAH!

Homura: Darn it! Our map broke!

Iroha: But at least we have each other and my GPS.

Yachiyo: So let’s keep going.

Iroha: OK, so, the swim boost is on our Magicrystals/Soul Gems.

Yachiyo: Don’t worry. I’ve activated my swim boost.

Tsuuno: We just gotta find Melody.

Felicia: Hey guys! Look who I found next to Tip and Dash!

Sana: Aww, they’re so cute!

Kyoko: What are they?

Homura: They appear to be a Rowlet, a Torchic, and a Piplup.

Madoka: That’s exactly what they are!

Sayaka: Hi there! We’re The Holy Quintet.

Mami: What are your names?

SkyLeaf: My name’s SkyLeaf. These are my friends, TorchFeather and SeaChill.

TorchFeather: SkyLeaf comes from a family of hikers, but likes to dress fancy. I’m from an athletic family, and I tend to break every brick in Karate. As for SeaChill, well, she’s from a family that lives in Polaria, but she’s downright OBSESSED with mermaids.

SeaChill: We came here in search of monsters to battle. Any monsters here?

Kyoko: There may be no monsters here, but we’re on our way to Atlantica, city of the Merpeople!

SeaChill: Atlantica?! Oh, I’ve ALWAYS WANTED to go there! I’ve heard that there’s a mermaid princess that turned human to be with her boyfriend!

Mami: Well, you may be referring to our last adventure, which someone special wrote down just last year.(4th Wall Break)

Kyoko: And speaking of which, we’re heading to Atlantica, too!

Sayaka: Care to join us?

TorchFeather: That’s a great idea!

SeaChill: Then we’re coming with you!

SkyLeaf: I can’t wait to see all those amazing sights!


Kyoko: Does anyone have any snacks, like apples?

Tsuruno: I’m afraid we just ran out!

Felicia: All we have left are our emergency rations.

Iroha: No time to worry about snacks, because look!

Sana: There it is!

Yachiyo: Ah, Atlantica. Just how I remember it.

zMadoka: I wonder what’s beyond the castle gates!

Homura: Madoka, we need to go past the guards when their backs are turned. Or they’ll see us.

Mami: Then Invisibility mode, then!

Sayaka: Now’s our chance!

Iroha: Phew. We made it!

Yachiyo: To the castle! I bet Melody’s OK!

Tsuruno: Ah, Just like how I remember it. After all these years, I finally came back here. :)

Felicia: Follow Melody!

Sana: Under the table! Now grab that plate of Jello!

Kyoko: Man, I think my appetite’s back!

Sayaka: Well, that’s great!

TorchFeather: I could eat this all day!

SeaChill: Mmm. Tastes like gummy bears!

SkyLeaf: No time to waste, guys!

Madoka: OK, so move the table and make sure Triton doesn’t see us!

Sana: Be careful! Don’t let him see us!

Iroha: Freeze!

Kyoko: Good. Now we can keep moving!

TorchFeather: Freeze! Melody’s slipping away from us!

SeaChill: She’s heading towards the throne!

SkyLeaf: Will she get the trident or not?

Homura: Melody’s grabbing The Trident! Hide!

Madoka: Now go!

Homura: Hurry!

Kyoko: Oh no, her locket!

Sayaka: It fell while she was trying to escape!

Madoka: What are we gonna do?!

Mami: I have an idea: Swim!

TorchFeather: Hurry!

SeaChill: Ariel’s coming!

SkyLeaf: Be faster than a Mako shark!

TorchFeather: Phew. That was close!

SeaChill: Thank us!

SkyLeaf: Now we just gotta follow the Holy Quintet.

[MEANWHILE (Again)]…

Aya: There it is!

Ran: Atlantica, city of the Merpeople.

Kokoro: Even after all these years, she still looks beautiful!

Yukina: We must swim into the city to find out if The Trident is OK or not.

Kasumi: I’ll call Marina-San. (BRRRRING!)

Marina: Hey, Kasumi! How’s your adventure going so far?

Kasumi: Everything’s great! We just need to find that locket and we’re going home!

Marina: That’s great! Now, just make sure to use the tablet I gave you and you’ll be set! Sayanora!

Lauren: I think we should be there by now.


Troy: OK, I think the trident’s safe and out of reach from- Oh, no.

Prince Sidon: What is it?

Leona: The Trident’s gone! I think someone or something took it!

Venoct: But who took it? It’s definitely not Lori, because she would never do such a horrible thing.

Thomas: According to legend, only a DESCENDANT of the throne can remove it! That means Melody took it!

Yukina: Girls, look! It’s Melody’s Locket!

Ran: She must’ve dropped it on the way.

Tsugumi: What are we gonna do?!

Rinko: Probably return it to her?

Momo: Smart guess, Miss Shirokane.

Kirby: Poyo poyo, poyo. (Smart guess, indeed.)

Hina: But who would trick her into doing such a horrible thing?

Kirby: Poyo! (Diana Paratime!)

Susie: Yeah, lil pinky.

King Dedede: She’s just NASTY!

Bandana Waddle Dee: What’s she up to now?!

Meta Knight: I don’t know, but I think she’s up to no good.

Taranza: But who the heck might those 3 teenagers be?

Magolor: I dunno, but lets follow them to see where they’re heading!

King Poseidon: You go after those strange kids, we’ll search the rest of the ocean.

Spongebob: Don’t worry, your Majesty! We’ll chase after those kids and bring them to ya!

Mario: Same with-a us!

Luigi: We’ll save the-a world!

King Poseidon: Good luck, friends. Remember, the fates of Bikini Bottom and Magitopia are in your hands!

Spongebob: We already know! (Laughs)

Misty: I think they went that way!

May: Now they’re going that way!

Dawn: Follow them!

Iris: They’re going that way!

Serena: Looks like my scanner’s beeping! We’re getting close!

Ash: And the water’s getting cold!

Pikachu: Pikaaa…

Kirby: Poyo… (So Cold…)

Yuki Yuna: No time to warm up! We gotta keep going!

Togo Mimori: Hurry! In here!

Itsuki Inobozaki: Sis, look! The 3 strange kids are heading closer to that building!

Fuu Inobozaki: And it looks like it’s made of actual glass, but glass doesn’t feel cold!

Karin Myoshi: Then I think it’s made outta ice!

Otohime: You’re right!

Fire Spirit Cookie: Wait. Am I getting some Deja Vu here?

Moonlight Cookie: You’re right! This is the same Ice fortress that we sent Nate, Katie, and the others to!

Patrick: Then let’s go inside! I bet they have lots of free Ice cream inside!

Abdallah: Oh, Patrick. We understand.

PhoenixMaster1: I’d hate to break it to you, but there’s no ice cream in there.

Reimu Hakurei: Aww, I wanted some Strawberry Jelly Ice Cream!

Marisa Kirsame: I wanted Oatmeal Raisin. Am I the only one who likes raisins?

Susie: Man, it’s cold!

Fransisca: Don’t worry. I’m suited for this type of temperature.

Magolor: I’m cold!

Flamberge: Don’t worry. Here’s some spicy soup to keep you guys warm!

Taranza: Wow! This is seriously good!

Zan Partizanne: My sisters and I made the recipe, after all.

Nico Yazawa: Guys, you won’t believe what I’m seeing.

Callie: What?

Marie: Is it good?

Treena (Through Phone): Tell us!

Mario: I wonder what it-a is.

Nico Yazawa: Yep! It’s the Holy Quintet, and They’re OK!

Nate: For real?!

Katie: Yay!

Lauren: Holy Quintet! You’re OK!

Cure Melody: Madoka!

Cure Blossom: Iroha!

Cure Black: Homura!

Cure Dream: Yachiyo!

Cure Bloom: Sana and Mami!

Cure Peach: Kyoko and Tsuruno!

Glitter Lucky: Sayaka and Felicia!

Peach: You’re OK!

Rosalina: And you’re not even hurt!

Otohime: No wounds! You’re all fine!

TorchFeather: Woah! You must be one of The Magitopian Guardians, right? We heard about you in the news!

SeaChill: I can’t believe I’m meeting one of the guardians this close up!

SkyLeaf: And your blue hair is so pretty.

Lauren: Thanks. By the way, we gotta catch up with The Holy Quintet!

Chapter 5: Song of The Sea Guardian

Himari: Look, there’s Melody!

Ran: But what is she doing?

Moca: She’s handing the trident over!

Tsugumi: No!

Tomoe: Thank gosh Ariel got here in time.

Diana Paratime: Well, well, well. If it isn’t Lauren and her friends. Now, hand over that trident, Melody.

Prof. Inkling: Please don’t do it.

Barnacles: Don’t do it!

Shellington: Don’t. Do. It.

Tweak: Don’t do it whatsoever!

Dashi: No!

Peso: Nooo!

Tunip: Chupa! (Noooo!)

Kwazii: Don’t even think about it!

Otohime: Oh, no! The trident she’s holding is somehow glowing!

Peach: But look what’s happening to her!

Zelda: I must agree with you. For after all, she is no scientist.

Bandana Dee: I’d have to agree with that, Zelda!

Susie: For after all, she may be pure EVIL.

Ness: But look at the trident!

Kirby: Poyo Poyo Poyo! (It’s starting to glow dark!)

Diana Paratime: Finally… I can feel the power surging through me! Dun, Dun, DUUUN!

(Dian Paratime starts to transform in a pillar of dark magic, with her outer appearance melting away and her inner appearance beginning to show, as the dark magic pillar bursts in a flash of light, her true appearance is revealed. By the way, this music plays:

Kirby: POYO?! (What?!)

King Dedede: OH MAH GOD!


King Dedede: I dunno, but I’m gonna contact NightMare Enterprises to alert them!

NME Salesman: So, Triple D, what’s gotten into you?

Susie: Let him do the explaining.

King Dedede: NightMare Enterprises, tat there purple haired woman took this pitchfork thingy and suddenly became an old hag!

NME Salesman: I’m sorry, Triple D. But I’m very busy right now, and I can’t help you. So check in with me later when I have time. Sayanora!

King Dedede: Now what?!

Cure Honey: What the?!

Cure Lovely: This can’t be!

Cure Princess: Diana Paratime…

Cure Fortune: Revealed her true colors!

Mario: Oh, no!

Luigi: Oh, Mamma Mia!

Joker: This is terrible.

Otohime: This can’t be!

TorchFeather: Sweet Solran!

SeaChill: Diana Paratime Transformed!

SkyLeaf: Who the heck are you?!

Dame Dedtime: Why, I’m Dame Dedtime, Boss of The Wicked Yo-Kai! And you won’t be getting your precious little locket back, for I hope your mission fails! DUN, DUN, DUUUUN!

Toyotama-Hime: The Aqualian Locket!

Otohime: Gimme that!

Dame Dedtime: Oh, no you don’t!

Nate: That belongs to Magitopia, not you!

You Watanabe: Give back the locket or else you’ll get a beating by Baldi! (I’m sorry. I HAD to make a Baldi’s Basics Joke)

Dame Dedtime: I’m tired of your useless blabber! You 3, catch the merboy with this magic no rip net!

Kin: Got it!

Gin: We’re coming for you!

Bronzlow: I got the net!

Nate: Ahhh!

Jibanyan: Look out!

Whisper: Dodge it!

Abdallah: Nate, watch out!

PhoenixMaster1: Abdallah!

Tsuruno: No!

Spongebob: PhoenixMaster1!

Patrick: Let go of our friends now!

Strawberry Cookie: Yeah! Let them go!

Cherry Cookie: Untie the net this once!

Orange Cookie: Yeah, free them, you hag!

Peach Cookie: You’re nothing like Mulan’s Grandma!

Apple Cookie: Yep! You’re more of an old hag than a nice grandma who bakes the best apple pie with carmel glaze!

Lemon Cookie: Let them go now!

Lime Cookie: You’d better, or we’ll have to chase you down!

Kiwi Cookie: I’ll use up all the fuel in my bike if I were to chase you down!

Blackberry Cookie: That’s right. release them this instant!

Dame Dedtime: No! Because, nowthat I have Abdallah and Phoenix, I can do the one thing that Master will like the most: Take over MAGITOPIA! DUN, DUN, DUUUUUN!

Madoka: This is horrible!

Homura: Because she has the locket, she can control the oceans of Magitopia!

Yachiyo: What are we gonna do?!

Dame Dedtime: Well, I’m afraid you’re gonna have to stay in this ice chamber for a while! Oh, and your Underwater breath just expired. Sayanora!

Iroha: Wait. Did she just say EXPIRED?!?!

Yachiyo: That means our Magicrystals lost their glow! They need to be recharged!

Tsuruno: Help!

Sana: We’re sinking!

Felicia: Get us air, fast!

Kyoko: What are we gonna do?!

Sayaka: Don’t worry, guys! I can blow air bubbles, so I got your backs!

Mami: Thanks, Sayaka.

Homura: Now we can breathe again!

Madoka: And try to bust ourselves outta this ice prison.

Sayaka: Anything to help a friend or two!


Ako: What are we gonna do?

Tiff: We gotta think of something!

Luka Meringue: And we need to think fast!

Flamberge: Hey guys. I just got an idea.

Lucario: Why don’t we summon the 4 Sea Leaders?

Whipped Cream Cookie: That’s a great idea!

Lucia: But how?!

Lauren: We’re gonna play the one song that the royalty of the sea can’t resist: The Song of The Sea! (Pulls out conch shell)


Zan Partizanne: We don’t have much time!

Fransisca: Act fast!

Lauren: I Get it. Now let’s save Magitopia!

(This Music Plays:

Corsica: Why it’s The Song of The Sea!

Queen Aurora: Then let’s follow it, shall we, sister?

KIng Poseidon: It’s The Song of The Sea! We must follow it!

King Watatsumi: The Song of The Sea… I must know where it is coming from.

Arachnus: It’s working!

Toadal Dude: The water’s starting to become calm!

Venoct: Watatsumi, hear my call. Come ASAP.

Patrick: Woah, they’re coming!

Icicle: Look, guys!

Lauren: There they are! Poseidon!

Troy: Aurora!

Leona: Watatsumi!

Thomas: Corsica!

Venoct: You made it.

Corsica: If we are to free Abdallah and Phoenix and get the locket back, we must assemble all the heroes like in Infinity War. You still have the tablet that Ms. Tsukishima gave you?

Lauren: Heck Yeah!

Misaki: Then let’s summon all our friends, I guess?

Kaoru: Yes! Having all the heroes fight as one would be so fleeting!

Kokoro: It’ll be like Smash Bros, but all the characters will fight as one!

Hagumi: Ready, Lauren?

Kanon: Do it now! Do it!

Lauren: OK, Here I go! Summoning all Heroes!

Arachnus: Man, that light is bright!

Toadal Dude: I can’t even look!

Lunar: Man, that was a bumpy ride!

Nikki: Ready to save Abdallah and Phoenix, guys?

Everyone Else: Ready as we’ll ever be!

Lucas: Look who we brought!

Meloetta: Wow! The S. S. Adventure! And our friends are on it!

Alyssa: We had to come prepared. Now the real fun begins!

Sayaka: It’s show time!

Misty: Time for battle!

Yuyuko: To save Magitopia, and Atlantica!

Nate: It’s so on!

Moonlight Cookie: Now let’s restore peace to both these worlds.

Sailor Moon: And it’s time to kick some witchy butt!

Ashley: It’s time to show my true colors, then!

Spongebob: I’M READY!!

Dame Dedtime: Oh, no, you aren’t. HA! (Uses the trident to make an iceberg fall on The S. S. Adventure)

Hina: Oh, no, an Iceberg!

Sayo: Hurry! Do something before it hits The Ship!

Ashley: Before it smashes us!

King Dedede: Take that! (Hits the iceberg) Haha! Not bad for a tubby, 19 year old penguin!

Glitter Breeze: Whoa!

Glitter Spring: That was Awesome!

Glitter Lucky: Uh-Mazing!

Candy: You saved us!

Glitter Peace:Dedede, you’re so cool!

Glitter Sunny: I’d have to agree with you, Lily!

Peach: You surely are a fan favorite, Dedede! (4th Wall Break)

Dia Kurosawa: Dedede, you saved us AND The Ship!

Mari Ohara: How can we ever thank you?

Kanan Matsuura: That was AWESOME!

King Dedede: Girls, considering that you called me a hero, surely you jestin. (Cartoon Buffoon Reference)

Kirto: Dedede, you’re so funny.

King Poseidon: Don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Marina and her sisters: So are we!

Dame Dedtime: Ugh. King Poseidon and his fishy companions. I hate them. So. Freaking. Much.

Liddell: Looks like this battle’s gonna be easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

Nozomi Tojo: Or not…

Marina: Eeeeek!

Kasumi: Oh no!

Ran: Undertow…

Aya: Just got huge!

Yukina: What are we gonna do?

Kokoro: We gotta do SOMETHING!

Troy: I know! You can go underwater and do a sneak attack from behind- gah!

Lauren: Troy!

Ash: He’s being dragged down!

Pikachu: Pika! (Save him!)

Princess Golda (Through Phone): You gotta save him!

Kumiho Cookie: Do something!

Nate: Then we’re gonna go after him!

Whisper: Now’s your chance, Jibanyan!

Jibanyan: Paws of Fury! (Breaks the chain)


Gin: Then we’re telling this to Shadowstar!

Bronzlow: Then we’re going.

Troy: Thanks, guys! I barely breathed underwater down there.

Venoct: Well, at least you’re OK. I wonder how SeaChill and The others are doing.


TorchFeather: Here, big fishy!

SeaChill: Get the Wonka Bar!

SkyLeaf: Now!

Sana: Thanks for saving us. It really means a lot.

TorchFeather: You ladies OK?

SeaChill: Are you hurt at all?

SkyLeaf: I hope you didn’t become shark food!

Mami: Don’t worry, SkyLeaf. We didn’t.

Iroha: Now let’s get outta here.

Chisato: There they are!

Himari: Madoka!

Arisa: Iroha!

Sayo: You’re OK!

Kanon: We’re so happy you made it out alive!

Tsuruno: We sure did!

Spongebob: Abdallah, Phoenix! You’re OK!

Patrick: How did you escape that net?

Abdallah: The good old teleportation trick.

PhoenixMaster1: After all, Moonlight Cookie taught Abdallah that trick. Thank her!

Moonlight Cookie: Oh, Phoenix. There’s no need to thank me.

Queen Chessette: Obviously. You don’t meet a woman like that every millennium!

Tsunami: Pretty much.

Yoko: Guys, I’d hate to break this to you, but…

Momo: Dame Dedtime’s putting everyone under her control! And she wants us to bow down to her!

Kimi: Run!

Lunar: Avoid the beams!

Kirby: Poyo Poyo! (Dodge them!)

Ribbon: Oh no! (Gets hit)

Mage Sisters: No… (Get hit)

Arachnus: Curse you, Dame Dedtime! (Gets hit)

Toadal Dude: Yeah, curse you! (Also gets hit)

Joker: Oh no… (Gets hit)

Venoct: What are we gonna do?

Lauren: We have to do SOMETHING.

Otohime: You know? I’ll climb the ice tower. After all, Daddy always said I’ll do great things.

Prof. Inkling: But it’ll be dangerous.

Barnacles: It’s OK, Inkling. After all, she always puts her mind to what she can do.

Shellington: Don’t worry. She’ll be careful.

Tunip: Chupa! (Yeah!)

Tweak: Good luck, I guess.

Dashi: Just don’t cut your foot open.

Peso: If anything happens, contact us.

Kwazii: Don’t worry, we’ll take care of the others and unfreeze them!

Otohime: Don’t worry. I won’t let you down!

Chapter 6: An Icy Defeat

Otohime: OK, OK. I can do this.

Susie: You can do this.

Kirby: Poyo, Poyo! (Go, go!)

Taranza: Get the Trident!

Magolor: Dedtime has it!

Dame Dedtime: Well, well, well. If it isn’t Otohime.

Otohime: Give back my uncle’s trident, you mean witch!

Dame Dedtime: Well, because of what you did, you won’t get it back! As a reward, I’ll have to make you my handmaid.

Otohime: Never! (Pins Dame Dedtime’s cloak to the ice)

Dame Dedtime: Hey!

Otohime: Uncle Poseidon, I think this is yours.

Dame Dedtime: NOOOOOOO!

Otohime: Heeelp!

Sayaka: Oh, no! She’s falling!

Peach: We gotta catch her before she lands!

Daisy: Somebody HAS to catch her, fast!

Madoka: Gotcha, Otohime!

Sayo: Nice catch.

Rinko: you saved her!

Glitter Force Doki Doki Girls: Phew!

Cure Chocolate: Look!

Cure Macaron: Both Tridents aren’t even scratched!

King Poseidon: Never again will you threaten Atlantica! As punishment, you’re banned from coming here! Ever!

Corsica, Aurora, Poseidon, and Watatsumi: 4 Ocean Blast! (Open a portal)

Dame Dedtime and the Villains: NOOOO!

King Shadowstar: So, how did it go?


Snowmads: And that naughty princess Otohime kept getting in our way, and so did the heroes!


Spectrona: You could say that again!


Otohime: We did it. We saved Magitopia Again! Oh, sis, I’m so happy!

Toyotama-Hime: I’m happy, too! Now let’s go home!

Kasumi: But which way’s home?

Ran: We take the portal, silly!

Aya: But where’s the Teleportation device?

Yukina: I didn’t have it last.

Kokoro: Here it is! It was in my pocket the whole time!

Peach: That’s great! Next stop, Home!

Otohime: All aboard The S. S. Adventure! We’re going home!

Blackberry Cookie: Full speed ahead!

Grapefruit Cookie: Hold on tight, everyone!

Sea Fairy Cookie: it’s back to Magitopia we go!

Riko Sakrauchi: Only a few minutes before we reach port!

(Sometime later…)

Pink Choco Cookie: We made it!

Toyotama-Hime: And just in time for lunch!

Riko Sakurauchi: Why don’t we have lunch to celebrate our victory?

Everyone Else: Sure!

Otohime: We should have it at the pool, of course!

Alyssa: Oh, Otohime. You and your great ideas.

Ako Udagawa: Same with me.

Alyssa: And I just put in the order.

Kimi: And our appetites just returned.

Megumin: My tummy’s hungry.

Aqua: So is mine.

Chapter 7: A Family Reunion Gone Right

Pauline: Welcome home!

Susie: Let’s eat!

Palutena: Dig in, heroes!

Queen Nanari: You deserve it!

Liddel: Man, totally worth it after all that adventuring!

All Kirby Characters: Mmmm! (Run towards food)

Toadsworth: Bon Appetit!

Peril: Best Pizza ever!

Winter: Especially after a long adventure!

Qibli: Mmmm.

Turtle: Hey guys, want some salted carmel chocolates?

Moonwatcher: Yes please!

Kinkajou: Me too!

Moca: I never knew that The Battle Burger sold many different types of bread.

Toyotama-Hime: and Pizza, too!

Otohime: And I never knew they had desserts, too!

Prof. Inkling: My, this is delicious.

Barnacles: Overall adventure results?

Tunip: Chupa, Chupa! (Yeah, tell us!)

Tweak: So, we made it out with 0% of our heroes dying,

Dashi: Recovered the stolen locket,

Peso: Defeated Morgana and Dedtime,

Kwazii: And saved Magitopia.

Otohime: We did a pretty great job!

Lisa: A toast to our victory. Cheers!

Pastel*Palettes Members: Cheers!

Glitter Diamond: Best Pizza I’ve ever eaten!

Bunny Moon: So mouthwatering!

Kokoro: Man, I wish I could eat this pizza forever!

Misaki: You bet!

Iroha: You know, I’m pretty sure Ariel and Eric heard about our exploits.

Yachiyo: Pretty much.

Tsuruno: By the way, there they are!

Sana: Where?

Felicia: On those lounge chairs!

Lauren: Well, now that our adventure’s finished, it’s time to do the usual thing I do after adventures. Text my good friend.

Epilogue: Love for Watatsumi

Toyotama-Hime: Oh, Daddy. How and when did you get that locket?

King Watatsumi: Well, I got this locket from my Great-Great- Grandpa. He ordered the finest blacksmiths in Magitopia to make it. They forged it out of Sparkum, the rarest metal in The Universe.

Otohime: So that’s why it’s so valuable. It’s made of Sparkum.

Queen Umiko: Even though our family locket is precious, I treasure you more than that. I love you so much.

Toyotama-Hime: We love you too, papa.

King Watatsumi: Aw, Thanks girls.

Queen Umiko: Yep. Best Wedding Anniversary ever!

Otohime: I’d have to agree with that.

DON’T MISS: Team Smash’s Adventures of The Incredibles, coming soon!



Super Smash Adventures

I like relaxing in my own little world! I live on the blue planet and love video games, anime and more! Please support me by giving my stories likes! Love, Liv.