The Origins of The VOCALOIDS

Super Smash Adventures
6 min readJul 2, 2019

A Futuristic Friendship turned Rivalry

Prof. Melodia Albright, the Music Loving Nun of Technology, and Dr. Monica Kuro, the Vengeful Scientific Traitor. Once Techtopolis’s most famous scientists, has evolved into a robotic rivalry that would shape their home forever. This is the secret origins of The VOCALOIDS.

Prof. Melodia Albright

The Year was 2001, in the city of Techtopolis. Robots and androids had been introduced into everyday lifestyle, thanks to the 2 greatest women in science history: Prof. Melodia Albright and Dr. Monica Kuro, the founders of M. M. Robotics.

Kikono (Former Cranium University Student)

Kikono: Ah, Melodia and Monica. They were the shining stars of the whole campus, Way ahead of their times, in both fashion and science. Monica was more into working part time for the navy and making new weapons for them, but Melodia, she was an absolute genius! They had all those little qualities of a perfect woman. They had flowing hair, perfect style, but most of all, the voices of an angel. I mean, all of us at Cranium University were geniuses, but they were the top female geniuses! But, as they say, behind every genius, is an idiot. After graduation and what do they do? They start their own families! It almost brings me to tears just thinking about it.

Frieza: Kikono! MY COFFEE!

Kikono: Speaking of family, I gotta go get Lord Frieza his morning cup of Coffee.

Dr. Monica Kuro

Melodia and Monica appeared to have it all. While Melodia had time to spend with her beloved daughter, Monica often made the biggest excuses to make sure she spent more time on her work. Melodia, on the other hand, decided to create a special type of android known as a Vocaloid. These types of Androids would be able to use music to fight back, and cheer up those that were sad.

Android 21: It truly was a traumatizing experience. Poor Dr. Monica. Her 11 Year old Son fell victim to a ravine, injuring himself badly in the process. Monica vowed to never leave her son’s side, becoming addicted to him in the process. Unfortunately, her husband would divorce from her a few weeks later, making her a single and very sad mother. Later, M. M. Robotics was on the absolute verge of going broke, yet without the genius of her beloved partner, Dr. Melodia decided to keep on making Vocaloids like Miku, Rin, and Luka to keep the company going.

In order for her to keep her beloved company from becoming a memory, Prof. Melodia had to sign a super duper secret military contract, meaning that she would be away from her husband and 8 year old daughter. Meanwhile, Miku, Luka, Rin, Len, Kaito, and Meiko kept Melodia’s 8 year old daughter, Lucy, company, acting as her foster older siblings.

Miku: Hey, come here, Lucy!

Rin: She sure is a little ball of energy!

Len: for sure!

Dr. Monica: Robo Suits for the military? A-Are you nuts?!

Prof. Melodia: They’re for wounded soldiers who have yet to return from battle, holding on to their precious lives.

Dr. Monica: You know, we made a promise.

Prof. Melodia: Yes. A promise to help our beloved citizens of Techtopolis. Think about it: People who have lost an entire limb getting another chance at life! And it’s not just soldiers we can help. We could help disabled kids!

Dr. Monica: Well, it’s about time we got to work!

Prof. Melodia: Computer, lights off.

And lights off for sure. While every little one of the company’s memories were wiped clean, The Chamber of Memories predicts the following events occurred: After Dr. Monica finished showing off the prototype…

Dr. Monica: General, I give you The Android Suit. The very first connection between Human and Machine.

General: Very interesting, Doc. But is it ready for combat?

Dr. Monica: Why, yes! I mean, this one’s already got its very own sword and- Melodia, what’s the very meaning of this?

Prof. Melodia: You drove the company into the earth, Monica, and I had to make a choice.

Dr. Monica: We were supposed to help people, not turn them into oversized blenders!

Prof. Melodia: Please, be reasonable. We need all the money that we can get.

And just like that, it was too late.

Dr. Monica: Is this what you want for my son?

Prof. Melodia: Monica, no! That core is ridiculously unstable! It could blow up at any second!

Reports of a gigantic blast flooded in from across Techtopolis by the minute.

Lucy: Don’t worry, Mother. Your creations were able to make a force field to protect you. Not only that, your health is 100%. No casualties.

Yet just how Dr. Monica survived is unclear.

Prof. Melodia: Monica? Monica?!

Luka: Security picked up that an escape pod was somehow launched into the open, with a living person on the vessel.

Rin: And it seems that their health is at least 40%.

Miku: Mind for us to track that escape pod, Professor?

Prof. Melodia: Track it? No. We don’t have time for that. If Monica survives, she’ll be back for the only remaining member of her family- her son.

Dr. Monica: AARON!

Dr. Melodia: After that very fateful incident, I decided to abandon all production on The Android Suits. With every one of Aaron’s memories erased in the explosion, I knew I had to take him in as Lucy’s Adopted Brother. Things haven’t been easy since, but I knew I had to do the right thing for my best friend. I thought, if I could dedicate my life to the actual development of The Vocaloids, I could somehow honor my promise to Monica. Monica, if you’re alive, we’re here for you.

The End (For Now)



Super Smash Adventures

I like relaxing in my own little world! I live on the blue planet and love video games, anime and more! Please support me by giving my stories likes! Love, Liv.