4 startups that will make your content shine with “Infographic”

Richa Gangwani
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2016

Sharing information with the use of visual presentation that directly or indirectly leads to a conclusion with some of the data involved is “Infographic” it can used for the purpose of article writing/presentation etc to make them more attractive, interesting and worth spreading. The understanding and memorizing power of visualize content is more as compared to reading big big paragraphs. When we were in college we never use to recite the key points, rather we use to draw a simple tree diagram to make it easily visible, accessible & understandable. So it is basically the combination of both Information+graphics= Infographic.

Let’s have a look at the data, number of users for infographic:- 92% of online consumers use Emoji (Infographics) http://www.adweek.com/socialtimes/report-92-of-online-consumers-use-emoji-infographic/627521

There are various benefits that a content/article earn form infographics:-


These are 4 effective and easy to use startups for Designing Infographics:-

a) Whatagraph :- Connect — Receive — Enjoy That’s all you have to do with this amazing infographic tool, that helps you visualize Google analytics reports in seconds, and that is the specialty of this tool! There are various customers, who are already using this tool and are far more happy as they expected to be. I found “Whatagraph” Free, easy and secure to use.

The Features:-

  • Control The noise around you.
  • Improve your dialogues with clients
  • Enhance productivity
  • Customize your reports

Visit: http://whatagraph.com/ (Featured at Betapage http://betapage.co/startup/whatagraph )

b) Zanifesto :- Now you can quickly create custom infographics, with this easy to use tool. Create infographic for content marketing, visual case studies, media kits etc. Transform all your boring collateral into more engaging aspect, have a look at on going examples through gallery. This tool is easy, effective and affordable at the same time productive.

The Features:-

  • Intuitive user interface
  • High quality in a minute
  • Freedom & control for doing myself

Visit: http://zanifesto.com

c) Boardview :- When we talk of designing strategies, we normally take up our tablet/pen/paper and start making different patterns, that will be best suitable for future success! This tool helps you to prioritize you goals, and let’s you focus on what matters to you the most. This tool and takes you to the height of success, make your goals even more bigger with, this tool will help you in achieving them.

The features:-

  • Build a growth map
  • Be smart about goals
  • Prioritize goals

Visit: https://boardview.io ( Featured at BetaPage http://betapage.co/startup/boardview )

d) StartSlik :-This helps in transforming a spreadsheet or database into interactive visualizations with graphs & maps within minute. There are various product, you can choose as per your requirements. Automating Interactive Data Visualization is focused.

The Features:-

  • Choose your visualization
  • Select map areas or region
  • Animate changes over time
  • Customize

Visit http://www.statsilk.com/

Look at a Big Picture, prepare future goals and achieve them with these tools. Work to be done more effectively and efficiently with full of productivity that gives you amazing response.

Don’t test your writing or rough sketching skills, test your infographic skills!!



Richa Gangwani

Working as #Digitalmarketer with new #Startups. Currently with BetaPage https://betapage.co/