How can you enjoy a successful career as a web designer?

Taniya Patni
Published in
5 min readApr 3, 2019

The position of a professional web designer seems to be a glamour job. But in actuality, there are lots of challenges that a designer has to come across to get the position where he is standing today. When you land on a website, you hardly think about the efforts and energy that a designer has to put in in order to create that site. But you fail to realize that you are attracted to that website because of the visual attraction and awe-inspiring designs. In this post, we will discuss the career you can have as a web designer.

What are the basics of web designing jobs?

Quite often web designers have to work with programmers, project managers, information architect, marketing professionals as well as others on the architecture and appearance of web systems and designs. They also at times need to team up with colleagues in order to tackle a vast range of responsibilities — starting from testing to concept planning. It is needless to say that the tasks may differ; from designing just small icons for the purpose of navigation to planning the complicated color scheme for a recognized company’s website presence.

When it comes to the job of a web designer, then they need to be open to accept the variety of settings which include design firms marketing, departments advertising agencies as well as another kind of organizations. You can do market research to find more information. According to the survey conducted, the average salary of web designers is somewhere around $50000.

The training and education involved.

When it actually comes to the training of web designers, the options vary a lot. There are some employees who prefer to look for candidates’ degree in graphics and 3D animation. They also prefer to look at your portfolio, which will help them to judge your work quality. Some employers even scoff at formal training, stating that this field is too new for relevant training programs.

There is no doubt that this field is pretty open and can easily accommodate people having varying backgrounds.

Before you go ahead and enroll for classes in flash and Dreamweaver software, just take one step back and try to remember the various essential factors that an employer wants to see while hiring candidates for web designing jobs. This also includes the knowledge of project management, graphic design information, writing, computer interaction, and programming. By saying this, we do not want to imply that skills do not matter and when it comes to web design, of course, there are several essential software packages that one needs to know for getting a job in a prestigious company. This includes Photoshop HTML as well as scripting languages like PHP and Java. Having experience in print design can also help you because there are many forms that need designers to work both on their ways of project and print materials.

Few tips that can help individuals to become a better web designer:

Tip number 1

The process of learning never ends in our life, and it is also the same when it comes to web designing. You can choose professional web designers who can be your godfathers. Check out their advice and tips online to learn more and sharpen in your skills. There is no doubt that you have to spend a lot of time in search of good materials which can actually inspire you as well as research for valuable information which relates to your field. At the same time, you need to become a part of the web designer community in order to learn from their successes and mistakes. This directly implies that you have to spend time in various web design forums. I am sure that you can get help from the web design community. Always remember, uniqueness is essential and so never copy from someone else — it is completely unprofessional and will not let you anywhere in your future.

Tip number 2

We have heard that practice makes us perfect. This is not the only universal truth, but you will find 90% of people who agree on this. As I have already mentioned above that practice and patience, both are essential. You need to possess the eye of a designer every time. There are lots of things around you from where you can inspire your designs. You have to need to possess that mentality and eye for capturing all the interesting details that you come across in your daily life and transforming them into a solid design. It is essential to think out of the box in order to make your own individual name in the market. Try to learn from your mistakes because otherwise, it is not possible to strive here.

Tip number 3

Before you even apply for getting a job in web designing, you need to build your own portfolio. The degree you hold might help to a certain extent, but before hiring you, people would like to check out your skills instead of just knowing about the degree you have. It is recommended that you work on personal projects like building a website for yourself or a free website for your friend etc. You can also give a start by doing some free websites for the people you know. It is essential to have a strong portfolio to get selected for paid designing jobs. As a web designer, you can either prefer to go out and work in a reputed company or simply sit back at home and work as a freelancer by bidding on the online web designing jobs. If you prefer the latter option, simply be a little careful and try to stay away from the online hacks by using your sixth sense.

Hope, this post has provided you with enough information on web designers. If you are interested to know more about web design and how it can help you to establish a successful career, stay tuned to our channel. You can also get related posts on digital media on our site; subscribe today to enjoy the latest updates every month.

Author bio — Barrack Diego has worked as an editor and writer for more than 10 years. He enjoys mentoring young and upcoming writers. To find out more about web design, SEO, Social Media, Marketing, Business, UI/UX visit

