Alex White Proof of Value, January 2023

Install, Install and Install again

Alex White
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

Install Scripts

This month I reviewed the onboarding for new users and created 2 install scripts which would cover the majority of operating systems. The new user (after forking the root project) can download the correct install script from the Superalgos repository. The script will check for Git and Node on their system, then clone the forked repository, install the dependencies and run the setup.js and setupPlugins.js scripts. The readme has been updated to guide the users in using these new scripts.

Bug Fixes

Photo by Filipe Resmini on Unsplash

setup.js bug fixes

There was a bug in the setup.js script that would throw an error if the package.json and package-lock.json files were out of sync. The script was updated to handle this by checking for the error and re-installing the node dependencies in response, which synchronizes the 2 files.

UI -> Platform status request bug fix

The UI makes an app/status request to the platform server to check the Git status response. This originally has a selection of languages written into the code, which meant maintaining and updating a list for all potential languages. This has now been updated so that particular command always runs in US English making the check consistent for all users.

