BigGremlin’s Proof of Value, May 2023

A third way of collecting your order/trade data from Superalgos trading Bots.

Greg Colley
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


© BigGremlin

Order Fetcher From SA (OrderFetcherFromSA)

This month I have added a 3rd way of collecting your order data from orders placed by Superalgos Trading Bots. This method is designed to run on the computer that runs the bots and collects the information directly from SA logs.

The information is formatted in the same way as Binance’s “Order Export” format. This allows other programs and services (like Trade Analysis) to produce reports and further analysis on your Order / Trade information.

You will find this program, OrderFetcherFromSA, along with further information in your Superalgos installation under:


right next to the TradeAnalysis program.

Also, I’ve added a couple of tweaks to TradeAnalysis.

  • Added support for Mac end of line character ‘\r’ only.
  • Added Bitcoin value for last order of the day when doing summary reports. This helps compare your strategy to fundamental Bitcoin movements.

Thank you for reading, and have a great month ahead!

Enjoy! 😊

