Bitcoin Factory Indicators Team Proof of Value, May 2022

All current data mine indicators have been made available to the Bitcoin-Factory for testing!

Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


Photo by Nathan Duck on Unsplash

Over the month of May I went through all data mines currently available in Superalgos. First, every indicator from each mine was converted into the necessary format. Then the indicator list for each data mine was reviewed to remove any indicators deemed irrelevant in predicting the next candle. All reviews where done by either the data mines creator/maintainer or myself. The final list of all reviewed data mines was compiled into one list, it can be found in the file located inside the Bitcoin-Factory folder.

Facts and Figures

  • 41 Data Mines Processed
  • 178 Indicators Total
  • 1,186 Total Record Properties
  • 13,047 Total Lines


Some data mines are ready, but still awaiting review. Once reviewed they will be added to the file. Data Mines awaiting review are as follows.

  • Buddha Data Mine
  • Divergences Data Mine
  • MACD-R1_R2 Data Mine
  • Polus Data Mine
  • Quasar Data Mine
  • Samurai Data Mine
  • Sideways Data Mine
  • Signal Processing Data Mine

