devosonder (Kara Lama) Proof of Value, June 2022

Bitcoin Factory Server & Test Client

Önder DAL
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


Bitcoin Factory Server

Test cases could not be generated due to an existing bug in the Bitcoin Factory Server’ code. Bitcoin Factory work had come to a standstill due to this bug. I fixed the bug and test cases started to be generated correctly. Afterwards, Bitcoin Factory work continued with almost no downtime.
A dedicated server was installed on AWS for Bitcoin Factory Server and continues to serve as a server. A total of 3 reports were produced in June. You can see these reports in Bitcoin Factory/Reports.

Bitcoin Factory Test Client

I ran a Bitcoin Factory Test Client. My goal was not to solve the test cases, but to examine the errors that occurred while solving the test cases. I have done a lot of research about P2P network and Bitcoin Factory. I hope I can start development to solve many bugs in this system in a short time.

Translator Tool

I have developed a tool for all contributors working on translating Superalgos. The purpose of this tool is not to make translations fully automatic. The main purpose is to speed up and facilitate the translation work of translators. It is not right to write all the details of this tool in this report. Because the report may be too long. You can find detailed information about the Translator Tool and a tutorial on how to use it from the link below.

Please provide the necessary support to increase the use of the Translator Tool.

English To Turkish Translations

I translated exactly 352 files from English to Turkish. I don’t know the exact number, but tens of thousands of words were translated. The “Pull Request” review took 4 days. I would like to thank gitforkgit for doing the review carefully and accurately.

My goal was not to translate a lot. My main goal was to prove to Superalgos contributors that translations can be done much faster using the “Translator Tool”.

You can examine the PR from the link below.

Update git repositories using terminal command line

Sometimes you may need to update without opening the superalgos user interface. For this, I made an enhancement to Superalgos.

Open your terminal, navigate to the Superalgos folder and run the following command.

node updateGithubRepos

That’s all. Your main repository and all plugin repositories are now up to date.

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