Devs Team Proof of Work, October 2021

Project extractions, governance simplification, bug fixes, improvements on data-mining infrastructure, new packaged application.

Luis Fernando Molina
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

Foundations Project

Extraction of Projects from Foundations by Luis Molina

As explained here, there is a need to extract projects that are still trapped inside the Foundations Project. A big part of that work was done this month extracting:

  • Data-Mining
  • Algorithmic-Trading
  • Community-Plugins
  • Machine-Learning
  • Visual-Scripting
  • Social-Bots

A consequence of this extraction is that individual project teams can be born to maintain each individual project.

The way to support this is to drop a few votes over here:

Governance Project

Simplification of Governance by Luis Molina

The first iteration of the Governance System was quite overwhelming to use. Work has been done to simplify it.

Liquidity Program by Luis Molina

As Superalgos initiated the bootstrapping phase for the market of its token we needed a Governance Program to incentivize providing liquidity to the market. The Liquidity Program was added during October and will be used at this month’s token distribution.

Bypassing Git by Tentacule23

For users that just want to contribute their User Profile, there is currently a big entry barrier, since Git is always generating a lot of issues with authentication. Works have been done to bypass git and send the user profile directly to Github via its API. This is in the final hours of testing.

Cool Effect on Profiles Icons by Smidy13

It was not clear which User Profiles where already loaded with their balances, now it is.

How to Support?

The way to support all this work done is to drop a few votes over here:

Visual-Scripting Project

Nodes Out of Space Bug Fixed by Tentacule23

Until recently we had a bug that sometimes moved out of the space. Not anymore. Support this here:

Data-Mining Project

Pre-downloaded Exchange-Raw-Data by Phill

Phill is running a Superalgos instance at the cloud, generating exchange-raw-data for many Binance markets to avoid having to download them yourself.

Install Product Action Script by Alexandru

Until now we had a pain point every time you created a new indicator, you needed to add data-dependencies at the Trading Mine process. It was annoying because many new users did not know about it and it requires plugin knowledge, referencing knowledge and so on. A great job was done here by coding an Action Script to Install a Product of a new Indicator, that does all this for you with a few clicks.

Data Mines Indicators and Plotters by Alexandru cozed-gh(Carl) Quantum8 and Raplh2502

This work has been very well explained at the Data-Mines proof of work report

How to Support?

The way to support all this work is to drop a few votes over here:

Distribution Team

Packaged Application by Nuno

Until now we had a huge problem: the Superalgos Platform was only for tech users that can easily install Nodejs, Git and run commands. Nuno did an amazing job packaging Superalgos for non tech users and casual visitors that would like to try it out with minimum effort.

Support Nuno here:


There is a group of Teach Teams I have an eye on. Here is the list:

  • Setup Team: Deals with the app setup. Probably should be merged into the broader Distribution Team.
  • Github Team: In charge of Github stuff.
  • Distribution Team: In charge of packaging Superalgos.
  • Docker Team: In charge of Docker stuff.
  • Sys-Admins Team: A group of sys admins that helps with configuration stuff.

At this moment in time, it is not clear which ones of these Teams will merge with others or if they will all continue as independent teams. As we self organize, time will tell.


This is what I saw during the last month. If I am forgetting about something, please let me know.

