Elves and Fairies Team Proof of Value, March 2023

Continued Improvements for Governance and Trading Signals

Bastian Dombret
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


A Fairy is enjoying the improved usability when casting her vote during the Governance process

Improvements to Governance
Thanks to the Fairies’ work, the Governance process now entails some usability improvements and new functionalities:

  • User Profiles in the Governance Workspace now appear in alphabetical order, making it faster to find a user’s profile.
  • Users wanting to claim a specific percentage of a rewards pool can now add the new parameter claimedShare to the configuration of their contribution claim node. Such setup will cap the Claim Power at the configured share of the referenced rewards pool. Contributors working in teams will benefit from this change, as it avoids the need for manual Claim Power calculation and constant rebalancing to changing balances in the Rewards pool. Example to claim 25% of available rewards:
{ "claimedShare": 25 }
  • Building on the great work of cozed-gh, the logic for allocation of Token Power by fixed amounts rather than by percentages has been heavily refactored. The refactoring was required to ensure correct calculations of Token Power also in situations of recursive calculations, e.g. when there is delegated Token Power. The updated logic can now be used in all programs via the amount parameter.
  • The Governance Documentation has been extended, explaining how to claim shares of pools and how to conduct negative voting.

Continued Transition of Trading Signals to the Follower Logic

  • A testing weekend was conducted during March to evaluate the new logic for following Trading Signals by Token Power allocation with a number of users on board. Due to the good participation of testers, it was possible to detect and fix a number of issues for improved stability. Thank you!
  • An extensive documentation around the new Follower Logic has been created and subsequently refined by Julian-Molina. The documentation provides easy step-by-step instructions on how to follow signals for new users, and also supports existing signal consumers with their transition to the new logic.

About us: The Elves and Fairies Team
Elves and Fairies silently support where help is needed. This is also true for our team! The Elves and Fairies Team was created for single contributors who have not (yet) established bounds with a static team — or do not want to limit themselves to a specific working area. Regardless if you prefer to work in a team or independently: While delighting users and other contributors, we learn a lot about different aspects of Superalgos. There’s so much to discover! New contributors are welcome to join — and to cast some magic with us…

Contributors during March 2023:

Some results were heavily supported by the work of other team members as named in the PoV, as well as by participants of the Trading Signals testing weekend.

