Elves and Fairies Team Proof of Value, September 2022

Final polishes for the SA Token Launch on Ethereum

Bastian Dombret
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


Applying the final polish — an openAI generated image

“Wut?!” an older elf moans at me as I get to their magical cave, asking for this month’s POV report. “Haven’t we just written one a few days ago?”

“Yes, you are right”, I say, “we are running two Governance cycles closely after each other. But in return, this report will be shorter, as you guys enjoyed quite some vacation during September.”

The elf turns his back at me without saying a word, and gets to work.

Deployment of the Superalgos Token on Ethereum (ETH)

After Elves and Fairies had completed the required changes to the Superalgos code in previous months, it now was time to work on the Token itself. Following the initial effort of Gary, the final token smart contract has been deployed on Ethereum’s Goerli Testnet, and, following a successful test distribution, also on the Ethereum Mainnet.

The token contract has then been verified on Etherscan, allowing all interested parties to double-check the contract source code.

The team has made the decision to use exactly the same smart contract which has been the basis of the Superalgos Token on BNB Smart Chain (BSC) in the past. Relying on proven code adds an additional layer of security.

Integrating New Token and Treasury Account Addresses

New addresses of the Superalgos Token on ETH and the Treasury Account have been integrated to the Superalgos Code Base and to all related parts of the Documentation.

Dynamic Gas Fee Handling

The initial plan to execute our first token distribution on ETH during a period of low gas prices did not play out. Gas prices rose fast due to market volatility, and different to BSC, distribution transactions got stuck due to a too low gas fee limit.

Our fairies flew by and contributed a piece of code which now adjusts the gas price dynamically before sending a transaction, based on the current market price. This will avoid stuck transactions. The enhanced logic also verifies for gas prices above reasonable limits, and cleanly pauses the distribution in periods of gas fee spikes.

About us: The Elves and Fairies Team

Elves and Fairies silently support where help is needed. This is also true for our team! The Elves and Fairies Team was created for single contributors who have not (yet) established bounds with a static team — or do not want to limit themselves to a specific working area. Regardless if you prefer to work in a team or independently: While delighting users and other contributors, we learn a lot about different aspects of Superalgos. There’s so much to discover! New contributors are welcome to join — and to cast some magic with us…

Contributors during September 2022:

