German Team Proof of Value, February 2023

German language website for the community

Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


Home page of the German language website

We are on the Right Track!

Are you ready for a super start? If you search for Superalgos on Google Germany, you’ll be presented with 30900 entries — and the best part? is even on position 18! Can you imagine that? We are curious to see how we can still improve!

Ranking check seobility — keyword Superalgos for — One Step in the Right Direction?

In February „“ was launched, a German website providing users brief insight into Superalgos. Users can utilise the continuative sub-page, “Lern Mehr” to watch the demo or download the full version. Same as the German Twitter channel „#SuperalgosDE“, managed by us as well, also this project constitutes another step for Superalgos community, to become more noticed. And I will talk about how I came to Superalgos and about my experiences with Superalgos.


Twitter Analytics The German Website Made for You

Our excellent team takes all efforts to established a strong and enthusiastic community that shares and complies with Superalgos goals and policies. We will continue to increase Superalgos‘ presence and use the next few months to optimize SEO and create further content for the German website. Be excited for the next steps!

Diving Into Superalgos — Create the Future Together!

If you are looking for a platform there people with similar interests, goals and hobbies can come together, is the right stage for you. Here you will find every details you need to know about us and why it is worth becoming part of the community. If you want to support us, but do not know „How“ yet, please start initislly by writing down your experiences with Superalgos and share with us. Be a part of the German Superalgos community!

Team Members: NicN11 & Manupolix

Remember that you can have many reasons to join us.

