Julian’s Proof of Value, December 2022

Inbound marketing and various maintenance tasks

Julian Molina
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


Photo by Pasha gulian on Unsplash

My last PoV was the one from September 2022, so today I’m reporting three months’ worth of my usual jobs in Superalgos.

Inbound Marketing and Outward Communication

I got back to writing quite a bit with two main focuses:

  • Letting the world know about our project latest achievements, in particular, our new social trading features.
  • Producing communication describing the project to both existing and potential stakeholders.

In the former chapter, I can point to the following articles:

In the later chapter, the following articles are worth mentioning:

These articles come, of course, with matching efforts to promote them throughout social media.

Website Documentation

Following the work of Alex White, the mastermind behind the function to export a self-contained HTML version of the Docs out of the app, I integrated the resulting documents into the Superalgos website.

Ongoing Work on Multiple Domains

As usual, I keep maintaining the website and collateral like the Superalgos Deck, editing the blog, guiding and preparing the governance process, managing official social media accounts, and so on.



Julian Molina
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading

I’m a lifelong entrepreneur and co-founder of, a Bitcoin-inspired open-source project crowdsourcing superpowers for retail traders.