Luis’ Proof of Value, January 2022

These are my contributions for January 2022

Luis Fernando Molina
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


January was a great month for coding. Winter generally is. I managed to complete the second iteration of the P2P network, the second iteration of Trading Signals and the first iteration of Portfolio Management project. I also did a fair amount of videos for the project’s YouTube Channel.

P2P Network v2

With version 2, we now can have both permission-less and permissioned networks. Network nodes can have multiple network services running on top of it. Check out this video for a full explanation of all the features available (the first part of the video is targeting regular users, the second par developers):

Trading Signals v.2. explained for users and developers.

Portfolio Management

The Portfolio Manager bot is now ready for testing / usage. It is simple and powerful. A good explanation for users can be found at this video:

Portfolio Manager v.1. explained for users.

Trading Signals

Trading Signals features are already at version 2, ready to test them and use the. A good explanation for users can be found at this video:

Trading Signals v.2. explained for users.

Coding Session Videos

During January, I produced more than 100 YouTube videos with more that 150 hours of content for developers. All the code I wrote is now documented on video for anyone to see and learn from it.

Since I started publishing these videos, the activity on the channel went up. Wish more contributors could do the same.

Here you have the different video series available (link):

Screenshots of all the Playlist at Superalgos’ YouTube Channel

Video List

These are all the videos recorded during January 2022, with a brief description of their content.


I believe that we have already implemented most of the infrastructure needed at this stage of the project. I can see other devs now adding more features to this base layer, which is very good. A lot of interesting things coming soon. Overall January was an intensive month with a lot of progress. Let’s continue like this!

