Luis Team Proof of Value, September 2022

Trading Signals was polished to the point that is working well enough to do a group test

Luis Fernando Molina
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


First group test of live signals

The Trading Signals project within Superalgos has been coded long ago. Since a few month ago, several members of the community started preparing to broadcast signals, but the code was in alpha stage, meaning not ready for prime time.

I performed a new iteration over it and took it to a beta stage, where community members can start broadcasting signals with a big probability that everything is going to be alright.

We are ending this stage of development with a series of group test where a group of people will be following a test signal so that we can measure response time and the ordering of transactions among the followers.


I expect that, soon, different users will start broadcasting their live signals and that this dimension of the project will start to take off.

