Luis Team Proof of Work, December 2021

Trading Signals, Open Storage, Portfolio Manager and YouTube Videos

Luis Fernando Molina
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


December was a good coding month, this is my summary:

  1. Trading Signals Iteration #1: During this iteration it was possible to send signals from a Trading Bot to another one via the P2P Network. It was cool but not optimal since trading signals are very detailed and that would make the P2P Network not scalable, since there would be tons of signals and tons of data flowing through the network.
  2. Open Storage: This new project was born to allow users store information at the open Internet at different storage providers. This information can then be accessible by anyone that has the hash of the files and the encryption password. The implementation is open for multiple Storage Providers, though the first one actually working is Github repositories since they are free and users already have a Github account.
  3. Trading Signals Iteration #2: With this iteration, signals are saved at the open Internet at a storage provider using the Open Storage project, and only a File Key is sent via the P2P Network, reducing orders of magnitude the amount of bandwidth and CPU required by network nodes to distribute signals.
  4. Portfolio Manager Iteration #1: I coded here the synchronization mechanism between the Portfolio Bot and the Trading Bots, and also the Portfolio Events and Formula Managers. At the end of this iteration Trading Bots can ask Portfolio Manager Bot to confirm or set events and formulas.
  5. You Tube Videos: I started recording several Coding Session Series with the aim to help onboard new developers to code for Superalgos and documenters to grasp all the details of the features implemented. This also gave the Superalgos YouTube channel some life after 6 months without new videos.

I would like to add to my report a few mentions of 2 Teams that have contributed during 2020, both of very busy people with no time for claiming SA tokens, so that the community know about their contributions and help them get something in return for their help:

  1. Lantschirky: Lan is an angel investor and long time friend who invited me to a Streaming conference in Monaco to speak about Superalgos. Even though the conference was unrelated to trading or crypto, there I met people that ended up contributing liquidity to the project.
  2. SSChana: Sim is a crypto entrepreneur running a crypto launchpad. He introduced us during 2021 a dozen angel investors, and after meeting them we doubled down on the strategy of keeping the project community owned and community bootstrapped with no tokens sold by the project, only earned by contributors. This path was not clear previous to these meetings, which means that it was a pivotal moment we had thanks to Sim.

