Seweryn Plywaczyk Team Proof of Value, March 2023

DeepL Java Library integration and bug fixes

Seweryn Plywaczyk
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


There is a tool in Superalgos which supports doc’s translators.
It is located in <SuperAlgos_Path>\Translator
It is well documented in so I’ll skip the part how to use it.

What I’ve found is that it reports some errors during installation. After some research it turned out that this is mainly caused by using direct paths instead of relative one — this is fixed.

Then I’ve found other problems regarding with fact that old DeepL API calls were used to get the translated text.
To fix this, I integrated the official DeepL Java Library and rewrote part of tool responsible for API calls.

Finally I updated the as it pointed out to some wrong resources like old version of chromedriver.


New features
1. Change the background of the right panel:

2. Add new buttons to the top menu:

Bug fixes:
1. Right panel was not closed after resize the page

