Superalgos Community Map

Find other algo trading fans and connect on the physical plane!

Vice Remix
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


What if you are talking with a Superalgos user in Telegram for the last few months to finally realize that you both live in the same town? In this day and age this could happen!

Superalgos users usually spend an incredible amount of time chatting on Telegram about algo trading topics without even knowing where the person they chat with lives. Sharing a drink would be friendlier than a collection of emojis, don’t you think?

To solve this problem there’s a new Superalgos tool that lists users who wish to join, filter them, and make them easy to find. Some of them may live closer to you than you think!

Building Human Connections

Have you ever wanted to know who is involved in Data Mining or Machine Learning teams?

Have you ever wanted to meet others traders in real life so you may build something together?

The Superalgos Community Map answered all of those questions for you. Here is the link and what it looks like:

So, next time you will travel, think about it!

Imagine sharing a beer with an algo trading enthusiast and, at the same time, visit the place with a local? Who knows what brilliant ideas may emerge!

