Superalgos Extends Data Mining to Any API and Stretches the Trading Framework to Allow Free-Form Coding

The new API Maps and Data Fetcher Bots allow users to map any API and mine data without coding, while the new User Defined Code node enables developers to bypass hard framework definitions.

Julian Molina
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


API Maps and Data Fetcher Bots

An API Map hierarchy represents the mapping of an API so that it can be consumed by bots within Superalgos. You may create API Maps and contribute them as Plugins, or you may use the maps community members have built.

API Maps are used by API Data Fetcher Bots to request and save the data from an API. Data Fetcher Bots run like any other Superalgos bot, under a Task node, and tasks are created automatically during the Install Market process provided there is a Data Mine with the corresponding definitions present in the Workspace.

This new feature opens up the Superalgos game massively, as it allows both coders and non-developers to connect to their favorite sources of data, bringing an almost unlimited wealth of intelligence into the system.

At this point, only public APIs are supported.

An API Data Fetcher Bot is a new type of bot that can fetch data from any API on the internet as long as it is provided with an API Map at runtime. An API Data Fetcher Bots is similar to a Sensor Bot. The most important difference is that you don’t need to code anything to get one up and running. All you need to do is point it to the required API Map!


The data you may bring into Superalgos from any API on the Internet goes into the same workflow you are already familiar with.

This means that the data is written in JSON files, which may be read by Plotters to produce graphical representations over the charts, and can be accessed from within Trading Systems, pretty much like with data output by indicators. Needless to say, the data may be further processed by indicators too!

Messari and CoinGecko Implementation

These are the first two implementations of API Maps and the corresponding Data Fetcher Bots, enabling Superalgos users to fetch News and Asset Metrics data from Messari v1 API and providing access to Coin data from CoinGeko v3 API.

Both implementations are limited to few endpoints each. We hope users will complete the mapping to all interesting endpoints!

Extension of the Trading System Framework

Great news for developers!

The introduction of User Defined Code nodes at the level of each stage of a Trading Strategy dramatically extends the trading framework, enabling free-form coding. The feature allows developers to bypass many of the hard definitions within each stage, making the framework a lot more flexible.

Developers may now read and manipulate the information the trading bot keeps at the Trading Engine data structure. The feature offers an unprecedented level of control and goes in line with the two core design principles guiding the development of Superalgos: flexibility and power!

Your code may store data under the new User Defined Variables node within the Episode. User Defined Variables are not touched by the base code of the Superalgos processes, thus the data placed inside these variables will remain unchanged and available for the duration of the Episode.

Upgrading From Beta 9

There are several things to consider before upgrading:

Data Structure

The structure of the Data-Storage folder has changed in two ways:

  • Multi-Period-Daily and Multi-Period-Market processes have been renamed to Multi-Time-Frame-Market and Multi-Time-Frame-Daily, hence the output folder structure for all indicators changed accordingly.
  • The Masters Data Mines has split three ways. The new Candles Data Mine features the Exchange Raw Data sensor bot and the Candles Volumes indicator. The Bollinger Data Mine features Bollinger Bands-related indicators. And the Masters Data Mine keeps the rest of the indicators previously available.

Given these changes, you may choose to rearrange your Data-Storage folder accordingly, or simply reprocess your data.

Workspaces and All Assets in General

The Trading Engine data structure went through several changes that may impact all data structures that make use of it, including Trading Systems.

If you intend to bring Beta 9 Workspaces into Beta 10, there is some refactoring work to do. Please go through the instructions on the README file for the details.


Beta 10 no longer includes all dependencies in the distribution. Instead, a script was created to facilitate the installation of dependencies after forking and cloning the repository.

If you are upgrading from Beta 9, the correct upgrade procedure is to run the `app.update` command from within the UI, close the browser and stop the Node process in your console, and run the `node setup` scripts from within the Superalgos folder before firing up the app again. Again, check the README for the details.

Coming Next

We are advancing in the development of the tech infrastructure that will enable the Superalgos project to grow into a massive collaboration, following the project’s strategic roadmap. These are exciting times!

The developments include voting and liquid democracy features to allow token-holders to decide which functionality, features, assets, and work will be incentivized, and how!

The system will contribute to the decentralization of the project’s governance, allowing more contributors to get involved at decision-making levels while taking on areas of responsibility to further development in every possible direction.



Julian Molina
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading

I’m a lifelong entrepreneur and co-founder of, a Bitcoin-inspired open-source project crowdsourcing superpowers for retail traders.