Opening to Multiple Exchanges and Multiple Markets, and a Major Infrastructure Upgrade

Superalgos grows to work with top exchanges, unlimited markets, and powerful charting features.

Julian Molina
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


This was a very long sprint — four months — addressing a broad scope of issues. We ended up with a whole new system. Watch the video below for the highlights.

The new Superalgos Beta release.

The main mission was to remove the self-imposed limitation to trade with a single exchange and a single market. This initial limitation served us well while it lasted, as it allowed us to focus on developing the foundations of the Superalgos infrastructure, before adding the complexity of dealing with multiple exchanges.

Our approach to dealing with multi-exchange communication was to join the community effort embodied in the CCXT Library. CCXT is an open-source project building an interface aiming to standardize the communication with cryptocurrency exchanges.

Huge thanks go to Igor Kroitor and the team behind the CCXT Project for the top-level and continuous support during and after the implementation. Congratulations on the fantastic work done with the library and our heartfelt appreciation for making it open-source!

Once the CCXT library was implemented, the rest of the system needed to evolve to handle multiple exchanges and multiple markets, forcing the reprogramming of several system components.

Anyway, it’s all done already!

Just bear in mind that different exchanges comply to different degrees with the standards proposed by the library. We’ve been trading at Binance, using the complete historic market datasets during our testing. Each exchange needs to be tested for different criteria before considering them operational. We keep an updated list of the results of our tests in the Superalgos repository README file. That said, you are free to experiment with other exchanges and run your own tests.

Charting Space Redesign

With multiple exchanges and multiple markets, the charting space required a complete redesign, as it previously featured a single chart.

A glimpse into the new charting space.

Now users may arrange dashboards with multiple charts, in any format, size and configuration. You may even combine data from different time frames, markets and exchanges in the same chart.

It’s a completely new experience, and seamlessly integrates improved versions of preexisting simulation and data visualization features.

Design Space Redesign

The system almost doubled the number of concepts managed. The underlying information is now organized across a few new hierarchies, such as the Charting Space, Crypto Ecosystem, and Super Scripts, as well as preexisting ones.

Running a backtesting session.

For example, the Superalgos network hierarchy now features Data Storage, Data-Mining, Testing Environment and Production environment sections, each handling the specific incumbencies across multiple exchanges, markets, and data mines.

Many features have been incorporated to help manage the organization of hierarchies and information in general.


Virtually every aspect of the system has been improved, making the software a lot more robust and reliable. Performance has improved on every front, be it in data-mining, charting, backtesting, trading live, and overall hands-on use.

Improved design space navigation.


We’ve also launched a new documentation site that covers all Superalgos concepts with a greater level of precision and detail. This new site lays down a more robust documentation infrastructure that may better accommodate the continuous growth of the system.

Getting started with Superalgos is a lot easier now. The documentation features a 10-steps guide walking you through the process of installing Superalgos, downloading data from exchanges, running a backtesting session, learning about simulations, and trying a bit of live trading for demonstration purposes.

Video Tutorials

The Getting Started Guide has also been produced in a series of video tutorials. The video series walks you through the learning curve with hands-on instructions on how to start using Superalgos. Tutorials provide extensive explanations that help understand the Superalgos paradigm, and how the system integrates the different fundamental aspects of trading intelligence.

Upgrading from a Previous Version

If you are upgrading from a previous version, remember to follow the tips on the Upgrading Your Existing Installation page on the documentation.

This is a whole new system that runs with a preloaded workspace and loads on a different port of the Node JS server.

If you have been working on strategies on a previous version, you may attempt to import them on the new workspace. Let us know if you run into trouble and we’ll gladly help you with that. If you have been working on data mines, let us know too and we’ll help you upgrade them.

The data structure used to store market information has changed, thus, the datasets you currently have do not work on the new version. Moreover, Poloniex has stopped working altogether, due to the exchange not offering 1-minute candles, a current requirement.

We no longer release a historic market dataset. Instead, you will mine the data directly from the exchange. The process is now much faster.

It’d be smart to follow the new Getting Started Guide to catch up with the changes.

If you haven’t yet, join us in our Telegram Community.

We’d also appreciate your help spreading the word and building a user base. Please share the above video in your social media (find a link below for your convenience). Feedback at this early stage will be instrumental in shaping the final product.



Julian Molina
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading

I’m a lifelong entrepreneur and co-founder of, a Bitcoin-inspired open-source project crowdsourcing superpowers for retail traders.