Translation Team Proof of Value, November 2022

Word for word translations

Kadir SainKaplan
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


Translation Team

Teams continue to translate documents on Superalgos. We use a Google spreadsheet created by mARTin-B78 to organize and document the progress of this task.

The spreadsheet also has some calculations and Statistics about current progress. You can view all the details in the table here.

November 2022 Works

In November, teams from Spain, Italy, France, Indonesia, Turkey and the Netherlands continued to translate Superalgos.


· MarkTadeInk just joined the translation team, worked very well, translated 81 documents with a total word count of 7909 (2.56% of all documents)

Worked on the following documents:

First Steps Tutorials

Chapter I — Welcome to Superalgos!

Tutorial — Welcome to Superalgos!

Tutorial Step — That’s Me On the Right!

Tutorial Step — Let’s Go for a Ride!

Tutorial Step — Remote Access!

Tutorial Step — Repository Branches

Tutorial Step — Accessing Remotely?

Tutorial Step — Ready to Rock?

Tutorial Step — []( or [](

Tutorial Step — Let’s Mine Some Data!

Tutorial Step — Why Test Trading Ideas..? (update)

Tutorial Step — The Appropriate Context

Tutorial Step — The Entry Rules

Tutorial Step — The Prediction

Tutorial Step — The Testing Mechanism

Tutorial Step — Let’s Go On a Field Trip!

Tutorial Step — Are We Up to Date..?

Tutorial Step — BB On the Charts!

Tutorial Step — Bollinger Bands Rules

Tutorial Step — Can You Think of Any Ideas?

Tutorial Step — Breakdown of the BBs

Tutorial Step — What Else is Going On?

Tutorial Step — Let’s Zoom Out!

Tutorial Step — The Big Picture!

Tutorial Step — What Do We Make of This?

Tutorial Step — Look to Your Left!

Tutorial Step — Wouldn’t It Be Nice?

Tutorial Step — March 7th to March 12th

Tutorial Step — We’ve got Two Hypotheses!

Tutorial Step — What Is Missing?

Tutorial Step — Let’s Define the First Two!

Tutorial Step — Entry Rules

Tutorial Step — Predictions and Testing

Tutorial Step — Et Voilà..!

Tutorial Step — Ready For The Next One..?

Docs Message — Saving Done

Tutorial Step — How Are Things Going?

Tutorial Step — Click & Drag Baby!

Tutorial Step — Time to Take Control!

Tutorial Step — Need a Quick Reminder?

Hungry For More Info?

Broke Something?

More Workspaces?

Ok… Back to Work!

The Magic of Data Mines

At the Core of Data Mining

Are We Up to Date?

Time to Stop!

Careful With Your Data!

The Bright Side

Break On Through!

Navigating the White Room

Talkin’ Time Travel

Bending time?

Size Matters?

Putting Things in Order

Get In the Wormhole!

he Elegant Way…

Moving in Wonderland

Welcome Charts Scales Auto Locked

Unlocking Time!

Welcome Charts Scales Unlock Time Scale

Scaling Time!

Playing with the Rate Scale!

Welcome Charts Scales Unlock Rate Scale

Time Frames Salad?

Welcome Charts Scales Time Frame Scale

Scales’ Best-Kept Secrets

Switching Gears…

Welcome Charts Layer Managers Scroll

Layers on Top of Layers

Welcome Charts Layer On

The Hard Data

Welcome Charts Layer Panels

Back in Time

Visual Scripting on Steroids

Plotters Magic!

Let’s Do Some Testing!

Aim High, Trade Big!

Machines Learn Too!


· Efrael worked hard again and translated 34 documents with a total word count of 3041 (0.98% of all documents)

The following documents have been studied:

Basic Education Tutorial

From the Ground Up

Nodes’ Attaching Rules

Defining a Trading Idea Tutorial

Defining a Trading Idea

Before we start…

Ready to Mine..?

Let’s Mine Some Data..!

Why Test Trading Ideas..?

The Trading Process

The Appropriate Context

The Entry Rules

The Prediction

The Testing Mechanism

Let’s Go On a Field Trip!

Are We Up to Date..?

BB On the Charts!

Bollinger Bands Rules

You Think of Any Ideas?

Breakdown of the BBs

What Else is Going On?

Let’s Zoom Out!

The Big Picture!

What Do We Make of This?

Look to Your Left!

Wouldn’t It Be Nice?

March 7th to March 12th

We’ve got Two Hypotheses!

What Is Missing?

Let’s Define the First Two!

Entry Rules

Predictions and Testing

Et Voilà..!

Ready For The Next One..?


· ViceReMix Translated 36 Documents with a total word count of 2896 (0.94% of all documents)

Worked on the following documents:

Hungry For More Info?

Broke Something?

More Workspaces?

Ok… Back to Work!

The Magic of Data Mines

At the Core of Data Mining

Are We Up to Date?

Time to Stop!

The Bright Side

Break On Through!

Navigating the White Room

Talkin’ Time Travel

Bending time?

Size Matters?

Putting Things in Order

Get In the Wormhole!

The Elegant Way…

Moving in Wonderland

Welcome Charts Scales Auto Locked

Unlocking Time!

Welcome Charts Scales Unlock Time Scale

Scaling Time!

Playing with the Rate Scale!

Welcome Charts Scales Unlock Rate Scale

Time Frames Salad?

Welcome Charts Scales Time Frame Scale

Scales’ Best-Kept Secrets

Switching Gears…

Welcome Charts Layer Managers Scroll

Layers on Top of Layers

Welcome Charts Layer On

The Hard Data

Welcome Charts Layer Panels

Back in Time

Visual Scripting on Steroids

Plotters Magic!


· Mhnramin Translated 31 Documents with a total word count of 2740 (0.89% of all documents)

Worked on the following documents:

Beyond the Basics Tutorial

The Advanced Stuff!

You Are In Command

Free For Everyone?

A Brilliant Idea

What is a Contribution?

What About Free Riders?

Switching Branches

Now the Current Branch

Before You Switch

Double Trouble?

Let’s Switch Already!

Welcome Back!

Update the App!

Let’s Add Your Review!

Did It Work?

Breaking Up The Command

Editing Crash Course

Don’t Forget to Sign!

Don’t Forget to Save!

Get Ready to Push!

Translation for Mere Mortals Authentication Auth Clip

Set Up the Token!

A Note On Keys and Tokens!

Contributable files?

Let’s Run the Command!

Congrats and Thank You!

More on Contributions

A Book on Tutorials


· akelmazulkuf Translated 8 Documents with a total word count of 1410 ( 0.46% of all documents )

Worked on the following documents:


Pinned Node

One Min Daily

Project Schema File

Raw Data

Remove Angle To Parent Node

Remove Distance To Parent Node

Reusable Documenting Snippets

· Tiger4242 Translated 30 Documents with a total word count of 4483 (1.45% of all documents)

Worked on the following documents:

Detach and Attach Nodes

Superalgos Review — Harrell Initial Review

Superalgos Review — A 1 Month Review (novice)

Superalgos Review — actually beginner-friendlier than your regular bot site!

Superalgos Review — The Most Powerful Trading System To Date (But Also the Most Complex)

Superalgos Review — Feature-rich platform for algorithmic trading

Superalgos Review — Fun and powerful trading tool!

Superalgos Review — Initial Thoughts

Superalgos Review — My review of SuperAlgos

Superalgos Review — Complex but Well Documented

Superalgos Review — elcoder’s Superalgos Review

Superalgos Review — First Impression

Superalgos Review — the best tutorial i’ve ever followed

Superalgos Review — 111’s Review

Superalgos Review — Superalgos overwhelmes me!

Superalgos Review — Reviewing the starting tutorials

Superalgos Review — Incredible intuitive trading tool

Superalgos Review — Vast software with great tutorials

Superalgos Review — A Vast, Simple Framework

Superalgos Review — Awesoume

Superalgos Review — My highly constructive and original review

Superalgos Review — Superalgos Review — Taking Crypto Trading to the Next Level with ML

Superalgos Review — Very nice piece of software. And it’s free open source. Amazed!

Superalgos Review — Great Getting Started Tutorials But Not Fully Stable

Superalgos Review — My first Superalgos review

Superalgos Review — Collaboration magic

Superalgos Review — How to Run a Trading Bot

Superalgos Review — Great Way to Learn to Run a Trading Bot

Superalgos Review — Impressed!

Superalgos Review — SuperAlogs for the future


· VarletNL Worked hard again this month, translated 87 documents with a total word count of 7644 ( 2.47% of all documents )

Worked on the following documents:

Basic Education Tutorial

Back to School!

From the Ground Up

Let’s Start With the Menu

Pinned Nodes Can’t Dance

Merry Go Round

180 Degrees

Node’s Independence

Free-range Nodes

Controlling Distances

Play With The Tape!

How About The Hierarchy?

Arrangement Style

Shall We Improve This?


Let’s Talk Backups

Working With Versions

Detaching and Attaching

Attaching The Backup

Irrelevant Nodes

Nodes’ Attaching Rules

Dealing with References

Let’s See Some References

Visualizing References

Establishing References

Let’s Get On With It!

Is It Done?

One Last Point!

Back to Backups!

Hammering Backups Home

Back It Up Again!

One Last Backup!

No Need to Memorize

What About Clones?

Only Share Shares!

Working with Workspaces

Your Workspace vs Plugins

The Current Workspace

Let’s Talk Plugins

How Plugins Work

Positioning Plugins

Placing Plugins

Non-Persistence of Changes

GIF Saving Plugins

Starting From a Plugin

Improving a Plugin

Let’s Talk Exchanges

Testing New Exchanges

Clean Workspace

Dealing With Data

About Other Markets

Building Indicators

More Indicators?

Lost? Get an API Map!

How About Strategies?

Your Graduation

Beyond the Basics Tutorial

The Advanced Stuff!

You Are In Command

Free For Everyone?

A Brilliant Idea

What is a Contribution?

What About Free Riders?

Switching Branches

Now the Current Branch

Before You Switch

Double Trouble?

Let’s Switch Already!

Welcome Back!

Update the App!

Let’s Add Your Review!

Did It Work?

Breaking Up The Command

Editing Crash Course

Don’t Forget to Sign!

Don’t Forget to Save!

Get Ready to Push!

Translation for Mere Mortals Authentication Auth Clip

Set Up the Token!

A Note On Keys and Tokens!

Contributable files?

Let’s Run the Command!

Congrats and Thank You!

More on Contributions

A Book on Tutorials

· Tiger 40 coordinates translation teams, writes this POV report, and manages translations’ progress.

Welcome to every new participant! If you are interested in joining the growing Superalgos community, you can reach us on any of the Superalgos Telegram community channels.

Main Translation Telegram Channel:

German Telegram Channel:

Russian Telegram Channel:

Turkish Telegram Channel:

France Telegram Channel:

Chinese Telegram Channel:

