Turkish Team Proof of Value, May 2024

We continued to broadcast signals for our bot, which we named Pardus. We also continue to publish test signals…

Ersen Kazar
Superalgos | Algorithmic Trading


In 10 randomly selected markets, we continued to broadcast signals with our Pardus bot, the first product of our team called Kybele Team.

There is currently no token requirement to follow the signals.

You can try the signals broadcast from Pardus in your Paper trade or live trading.

We also have a telegram channel for you to follow the positions of Pardus:

You can refer to the following article on how to connect to signals.

Also in May, we continued to release test signals on the BTC/FDUSD trading pair with the “Trading Signals Follower Test” workspace, which allows users to make sure that their workspace is set up correctly before connecting to a real strategy. We also ran the “Network Node” on the same server, which enables communication between clients and the server.

Remember that you can have many reasons to join us.

