UX/UI Team Proof of Value,
February 2022

If it’s Icons that what you want, it’s Icons that you’ll get.


live-portfolio-session icon inside Adobe Photoshop

Portfolio Management Project Icons

33 Icons in total have been created for the Portfolio Management project. A joint effort from DJ05GaZ and End Debug, they have managed to create and complete the icon set required for release.

Who Want’s to See a Project Full of Missing Icons?

Icons help streamline the user flow within the Superalgos project and without them it would feel clumsy, look dull and be generally unprofessional. The Icons merged with the project every month add a colourful touch to an already blossoming project. They help with user flow and brighten up the dark workspace.

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If you think you can help us in our efforts please join our Superalgos UX/UI Telegram Group.

