ROOM is a masterpiece

Nick Chandler
1 min readAug 20, 2016


First one I have seen that went into the 2016 Oscar season. Don’t get me wrong, SPOTLIGHT and THE BIG SHORT were really, really good, well made films, but ROOM is a great one.

Lenny Abrahamson’s direction makes the space feel like lived in, lets the characters breathe in thier choices. Recognition as well goes to Danny Cohen’s cinematography, especially during a scene where a character experiences a ‘first’.

What has made this film stick with me though, is Brie Larson. She is so powerful, so damaged, so motherly, so real. Her pain is there on the surface, her love for her son is real, her emotion is played with such conviction.



Nick Chandler

Film Nerd. Bristol based. May end up losing his mind. May also want to be sucked into a celluloid projector.