Superb AI launches the Suite

Hyun Kim
Superb AI
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2019

San Mateo, Dec. 12, 2019 — Superb AI is excited to announce the launch of Superb AI Suite, a new generation Machine Learning Data Platform. A free version is available starting today.

The goal of our newly launched Suite is to relieve you from the burden of ML data preparation and management and accelerate your ML development cycle, allowing you to build better AI in less time.

In 2018, Superb AI began its “human-in-the-loop” data labeling services built with our machine learning technology. Superb AI has already worked with numerous tech enterprises and startups around the globe, helping them to build machine learning systems 10X faster by semi-automating the data labeling process. During the past year and a half, we’ve realized that the bottleneck to building machine learning doesn’t stop at slow, inefficient data labeling. In fact, the entire data life-cycle, from data collection and labeling to management and analytics, must be re-invented as a whole.

Superb AI Suite — a New Generation Machine Learning Data Platform

We introduce the Superb AI Suite — a new SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) product built by Superb AI. Our Suite is a machine learning data platform designed and built for all stakeholders: ML engineers, researchers, project managers, and data annotators. It holistically supports rapid ML development, which involves a cross-functional collaboration throughout data collection, data annotation, model training, model evaluation, and the cycle back to the data preparation. It facilitates collaborations between stakeholders using real-time notification, role-based access control, issue tracking, team performance management, and a powerful customizable labeling tool. For ML researchers, the Suite provides strong tools to splice and manipulate data using intuitive data filter, search and tagging, analyze and visualize datasets without custom tools, and version control datasets to support a highly iterative ML development cycle.

To the nearly 1,000 users that have signed up to our waitlist — thank you so much for your support, patience, and valuable feedback! We’ve started going through our waitlist and are sending out invitations in batches as fast as possible. We believe the Superb AI Suite will allow ML engineers to focus on building better ML in less time and allow data labeling and management teams to operate efficiently with an intuitive, smart labeling and management tool.

If you are interested, please sign up here. Once we finish onboarding our waitlisted users, the link to create an account will be publicly available. We are looking forward to hearing your feedback!

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Hyun Kim
Superb AI

Co-founder, CEO @ Superb AI. Duke Univ., Y Combinator alum.