Mr. CHENG Youjing, CIO of Superbloch Capital Attends under Invitation Beihang University Alumni Salon, Sharing on the “Past and Present of Blockchain”

16th June, 2019, Nanjing. The salon themed “Past and Present of Blockchain” organized by the Nanjing Beihang Alumni was held at the Innovation Space in Nanjing Chenguang 1865. Mr. CHENG Youjing, CIO of Superbloch Capital was invited to share on the basic principles of and application analysis on blockchain, so as the prospect on its future development.

Mr. CHENG Youjing, CIO of Superbloch Capital

Besides, Mr. CHENG Youjing gave introduction on the latest blockchain application cases by Superbloch Capital and answered in detail the questions raised by the audience, who’re from various fields of trade. Cheng hoped that this event can familiarize more alumni with hot-spot frontier questions like blockchain and Ethereum, while sharing our view on the areas with more opportunities for blockchain.

Event Scene

Meanwhile, Superbloch Capital calls for more cooperative partners with same visions, to invest the global capital market and push forward the application and development of innovative science and technology.



Superbloch Capital Management Co., Ltd.
Superbloch Capital Management Co., Ltd.

Superbloch Capital Management Co., Ltd. is a professional crypto-asset venture fund. Our services include crypto-assets investment, consulting and management.