How You Communicate

Makes Hell Lotsa Difference!

Andy Ang
Published in
5 min readDec 18, 2020


Photo by Amy Reed on Unsplash


This is not yet another article on Effective Communication. Instead, it is about Emotional Communication.

When the mouth spewed faster than the heart

Emotional communication is a process of exchanging messages that evokes and influence a person’s emotional state. This includes both verbal and non-verbal messages, that are mostly received by one another intentionally, but sometimes unintentionally.

Sigmund Freud, the founding father of Psychoanalysis, once said that “Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair.”

When you receive a message of “I love you” from your lover, will that bring a smile to your face? That feeling of being loved, the happiness and that connectedness.

On the contrary, how about “I hate you!” from your lover? Will this bring tears to your eyes? The uncontrollable feeling of pain, hurt and sadness. That can even anger you sometimes.

The lesson here — you need to watch what you say and how you speak to others. You will never know just what difference you can make nor the impact you might bring to others, with just your choice of words.



Andy Ang

Research-Practitioner specialising in Knowledge Management and Trainer in Team Dynamics. Creator of The Stakeholder Grid Method™